Goodbye, Mr. Schaechterle

The Sunset Scoop
2 min readJun 1, 2022


by Munazza Quasi

Photo by Macey Arrasmith, of photo by Colette Casinelli

Henry Schaechterle has served as the technical support specialist for Sunset staff and students. However, after working in the district for 16 ½ years, he says goodbye to beautiful memories. Mr. Schaechterle is the author of Mystery at Mesa Blanca: An Adventure to solve a crime that time has forgotten. He plans to write a second book as powerful and fun as the first in his free time. I interviewed Ms. Schaechterle to learn more about his experience working at Sunset.

What is your favorite memory of Sunset?

Some of my favorite memories were early on when I was helping the track team and interacting with students. Today, the track and field team uses technology to take videos and pictures of the finish line. Before, they used stopwatches to track time. Besides just walking and fixing Chromebooks, it was good to be a part of the school. Sunset has a fantastic community. It made me keep coming back.

How many times do you tell people to restart their Chromebooks?

Honestly, Until the problem goes away. Restarting Chromebooks and cleaning works.

Have you made plans for after retirement?

I hope to write the second book. I am on chapter 4 and wish to write a book that is as good as the first. And just goofy off and think wild thoughts. Then, write it on paper. Hopefully, I will end up with a second book.

What are you going to miss the most about Sunset?

You know the staff and teachers and administrators. But I’m gonna miss students and fixing problems to make students productive. You guys were the best part of my work.

For his help with managing Chromebooks and always having a positive attitude, thank you, Mr. Schaechterle!

We appreciate your efforts and hope for the best for you in the coming years!

Check out Mr. Schaechterle’s first book on Amazon: Mystery at Mesa Blanca: An adventure to solve a crime that time has forgotten. — Kindle edition

