Time Is Fleeting as Fast as the Speed of Light

Jona Daye
2 min readJul 30, 2023


Beyond the realm of mathematics and science, time like the speed of light is an unstoppable force that moves forward, bringing changes, memories, and growth along its path and that some things in our lives feels like a fleeting dream. It is as if the moments we cherish are but yesterday’s memories.

Photo from Pexels

If we could freeze time, what specific moment/s in your life would you choose to relive or savor endlessly?

I have weighed all the happenings I could think of and surprisingly, the simplest one weighed the densest. It was the comfort of one of my unforgettable déjà vus.

For instance, I have been in this place for the first time, and it felt like a piece of my heart would be left there once I leave. The familiarity was overwhelming, like returning to a cherished memory. If past lives were real, I must say that such a place was my home.

With this insight, I can conclude that people are often drawn to revisit certain moments in their past due to the profound emotions they bear. These emotions, like a jar of happiness, hold a tempting charm. And what’s more, these yearnings come with no strings attached. But we cannot hold onto the past forever.

While it feels delightful to dive into memories and see time slipping through our fingers like sand, we must also remember the magic of the present. Embrace the now and create a new experience. We can always choose differently and live differently. It is not the speed at which we live that matters but the depth and richness of our experiences.

So, as time fleets at the speed of light (299,792,458 m/s, according to Google — LOL), cherish the memories, feel the emotions, but never forget to dance with the present and embrace the enchanting unknown.

For you, what was that certain time?

