Annoying Self-Growth Shit

Joanna Ashley -
3 min readDec 30, 2022


Just a heads up

Do you know what’s really annoying?

When you decide you want to grow as a human and inevitably end up defending yourself for making decisions that lead to a healthier version of you. You know things like: stopping toxic cycles, finding your self-worth, and working through past traumas and limiting beliefs.

Now, I use the word inevitable intentionally.

If you have not yet experienced this type of “annoying shit” and are considering starting your self-growth journey here’s what’s up. (You’re welcome.)

There are people in your life right now that do not want to see you change, grow and become better. Sad but true. 🤷‍♀️

→ Some of these people will be your loved ones. 😳 Yeah buddy! 🤓 And if there is one piece of advice I can give to spare you from the frustration of circular arguing with said loved ones it’s this:

Do not defend yourself.

Let them think what they want. Let them see you inaccurately. Let them get defensive and project their fears onto you through insensitive, belittling, dismissive and angry words.

If I am being completely honest, which I am 99% of the time. (Mostly because I am a terrible liar 😄.)

You are going to fail at this many many times. Not just in the beginning. In the middle and for the rest of your days.

Here is the good news though….

(This is the part where you listen up really well because this is not annoying shit — it’s the good shit.)

→ You are going to get better at resisting the urge to defend yourself. 👏🏾👏🏽👏 (if you aren’t a quitter and stick with it. 😉 )

Self-growth is a long-term game, my friend. Can I call you friend? I’m gonna call you friend.

Self-growth is a marathon, not a sprint. 🏃‍♀️💨

Rule #1 never stop getting back up.

🚨Spoiler alert 🚨 you will fall down. And not gracefully. 🙃 You are going to fall hard and it is going to be embarrassing 😄.

YUP. It’s going to be great though. Don’t worry. Because I’m going to give you rule numero dos so you kick ass at this so-called “marathon” I speak of. You ready?

Rule #2 Check your MF ego at the door. 🚪

Ah, shiiiit. I said it. I know, gross right? 🥴

You’re either thinking ‘I don’t have an ego problem’ or ‘That’ll be easy for me.’

To which I respond, “😂😂😂 You funny. #respectfully. 😉 “

The truth is I want you to choose this journey.

I also want you to WIN. (See Rule #1 on how to win)

It’s hard, painful, infuriating, confusing, enlightening, exciting, and euphoric all at the same time. I waited 30 years to start on this journey. And I am so grateful that I did. It’s been the best time of my life.

Oh yeah. One really cool thing -

Aaliyah ( R.I.P. 🫶🏼) was right. Age ain’t nothing but a number. It doesn’t matter how old you are. Your physical age is not equivalent to your emotional, spiritual, mental, and psychological age. You can start whenever.

As the saying goes: What you put in, is what you get out. And you literally can’t get away with cheating! Everyone is on the same playing field. Crazy right? Talk about fair. 🤗 It’s freaking amazing.

Anyhoo, now you know the annoying, good and cool shit. I hope you found this helpful. If you have a question — don’t be shy. Drop a comment and let’s talk about it.

If you are ready to start your self-growth journey, want to ensure you kick ass, grow as fast as humanly possible, and want to be coached by yours truly. Please email to see if there is availability or to get on the waitlist. ❤️

Healthy people cultivate a healthy planet.

Stay sustainable my friend. 💋

