The Symbol Sage Project

Jordan Kozak
1 min readMay 21, 2020


Have you ever had an experience that just seemed too odd to be jotted down as a coincidence? Maybe, it was just chance, or luck, perfect timing. What if it was something a little deeper than can be imagined? An Angel, perhaps? How exciting, right? The Symbol Sage is a space I’ve dedicated for recording and sharing my experiences. Angels manifest themselves in symbolism that can get overlooked because we don’t realize the connection or it’s passed off as an odd tale of fate. Many spiritual writers, including Marianne Williamson, suggest that nothing is a coincidence, or luck.

Angels have added such a special value to my existence, and they often guide the many things I do. In fact, they guided me to start this beautiful project. I hope to inspire you to start looking at your own experiences and recognizing, sharing the excitement of an angel being there for you. I am grateful for the opportunity to share my experiences and thoughts with you all. Enjoy and be blessed by Angels!

