3 min readMar 14, 2023


It was a Friday, and the air was electrified. It was both silent and not, the land standing still.
If you look closely, there was a shimmer made up of heat waves, the aroma from the food, the sweat from the women pounding yam, and so much more.

Crates of soft drinks had been delivered and piled on top of each other.
You could hear the crinkle of new notes, hard earned.

The big pot of soup was happily bubbling away, obstructed by different sizes and types of protein.
You could hear the regular, rhythmic movement of the Amala being stirred.
The sweet, fatty smell of meat being fried took over the air and children dashed here and there.
Glistening white plates were ferried carefully to the other side.

The MC was testing his skills, hello tueh tueh. Ah ani, won ma gba!

The ushers were setting up the food section. It was going to be free for all, eat as much as you can.
Cuisines from different places of the world were ready to be served.

Everybody was hyped for this wedding.
It was going to be the biggest wedding the streets of Mushin had ever seen.

You could hear Ayra’s "Sability" blaring out of the speakers placed strategically.

If you ask me, people were mostly coming for the bride.
She was a saucy-mouthed, curvy lady. She was fond of throwing jabs at you, provoked or otherwise.
She was the "Idaamu adugbo."
Here she was, getting married to the governor’s son.
Ko easy.

The bride’s mother was the proudest, the word "pride" had nothing on her.
She was finally getting rid of her daughter. She was finally assured that the girl would not die as a spinster. She was mostly happy that they weren’t going to be living in the same house anymore.
Thank the Lord.

Cars soon started to turn into the streets. It felt like a carnival or a campaign.
The security was fit for the president.
People were outside waiting to get a glimpse of the governor.
This wedding was going to be lit! Light me up!
Who knew Mushin could receive so much importance?

The hall was tastefully decorated.
Big men and women were ushered in. This was money and wealth at its peak.
Everyone was praying to have this kind of luck.

You just knew that anyone that had an invitation card to this wedding was either influential or knew someone that was, or like Nigerians would say, was sleeping with someone that was influential.

Anyways, I'm done here. I need to go sit at a strategic place.
I must go home with lots of money or a man, or both.
If God can do it for idaamu adugbo, He can surely do mine.

I can't afford to dull myself.
Emi o le wa ku!

See you later.

Belle Aube💥

Beautiful Dawn, Shining Dawn
Thunderous Day, Sparkling Day
Awaking Birds from their Slumber,
Spreading wings and chirping Claws.

One soul heading out “Excited”! Into a crowd,
The place was bubbling,
People were rolling and tumbling as they drank the sweet raged wine,
Confusion as I walk then my eyes began to dance,
Spilled wine like spilled secrets over the dance floor.

Even at this jubilation I felt loneliness like a bone,
But nevertheless I’ll chug my beer,
I’ll drink thy wine and make this sudden wave of sadness turn to undiluted joy at arms,

I brawled for joy,
I brawled for wine,
I brawled for laughter,
I brawled for life,
No time to frown for this is life,
Enjoy everyday like it’s your last.

By: The UnknOWn.

Idaamu Adugbo and her baby.

Hey guys, it’s been a while!

I heard Sability by Ayra Starr for the first time and this came to mind. And I also wrote this to lighten my mood.

By the time I post this, we’ll probably have a new president in Nigeria. I hope he’s the right man, whoever enters, gosh.

I’m so nervous and hopeful.

Anyways, enjoy this short and fun piece. I love you!





🦋 Reader| Writer| Communication and Language Arts Student| Mommy to all the butterflies| Soft babe| Potterhead| Sleepyhead.🦋 Email: