10 Reasons to Attend 2017 National Convention in Chapel Hill, NC!

Theta Nu Xi
4 min readMay 1, 2017


Theta Nu Xi Multicultural Sorority, Inc.’s National Convention will take place this year August 4th through the 6th in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Since today’s the last day to enjoy discounted Early Bird registration prices, we figured we’d give Sisters of Theta Nu Xi 10 reasons to attend! (Click here to go to the Convention website and fill out your registration).

1. Come back to where it all started. We’re going back to the place where our visionary Founding Monarchs first got together to create Theta Nu Xi. Did you know that UNC-Chapel Hill is the first state university in the United States, and the only one, to award degrees during the 18th century? And really, there’s so much to Chapel Hill! Named after Ben Franklin, Franklin Street runs through the heart of downtown Chapel Hill and is a popular arts and cultural community. It boasts world-renowned dining, and serves as the gathering spot for both young and old. And if you aren’t swayed by the academic and athletic prowess of the school, the college town of Chapel Hill is such a beautiful setting, it has been referred to as the “Southern Part of Heaven,” after the title of a book by William Meade Prince. The Special Events Convention Committee is currently working hard on your Chapel Hill events guide, so be on the lookout for that for much more information about what you can expect to enjoy there.

2. Hang out with sisters and be part of our HISTORY! We already have over 100 sisters registered (our largest Early Bird registration group TO DATE!). Make sure you don’t miss what’s sure to be a historic gathering. Reconnect with those sisters you already know, and get an opportunity to connect with others you’ve never met (or whom you’ve met only virtually) like some of our TNX Legends!

3. Have your burning questions answered by our Founding Monarchs! On Friday August 4th, our Founding Monarchs will be hosting an open forum and making themselves available to answer all your questions and share with you all their reflections and knowledge as we celebrate our 20 years of Theta Nu Xi!

4. Get your leadership and professional development on, in addition to sisterhood activities and our service project. We’ve already received a number of proposals for programming, and hope to get even more to be able to provide sisters with a variety of choices. Got an idea for an engaging and educational program? Keep an eye out for the second round of submissions, which will be opening on May 5th.

5. Party like it’s 1997! Pull out your best formal attire and strut your stuff at this year’s Awards Banquet AND Afterparty! This year, following the traditional Awards Banquet, we will be celebrating our 20th Anniversary with an afterparty featuring a live DJ, cash bar, and the best of the 90s (including your favorite outfit of that time, which you’re encouraged to change into after the formal portion of the Banquet ends). You won’t even need to leave the hotel to turn up! The dancefloor will be calling your name (NOTE: This party will be open to all sisters, regardless of convention attendance, AND THEIR GUESTS! Details are still being worked out, but stay tuned!). And while we’re on the topic of celebrating, you’ll come away with our special 20 Year Commemorative Pin!

6. GAP Luncheon. We know GAP sisters look forward to this every year, and we can’t wait to see you. Get to Chapel Hill on time for this wonderful opportunity to network and enjoy sisterly bonding to celebrate 16 years of GAP.

7. You know that stroll you’ve been wanting to learn? Well, this year at Convention you’ll get a chance to learn them from the sisters who created them!

8. Did somebody say NEW PARA? As always, the Para Pit Stop will feature a variety of vendors who are sure to have a few items you never even knew you needed in your life! And for the first time, sisters with their own businesses will get an opportunity to showcase their professional endeavors and services as well.

9. Get your vote on in this year’s National Elections and Legislation. In addition to Legislation that will be presented, we have A LOT of leadership positions open this elections cycle as many terms come to an end. The openings are: National President, National Parliamentarian, National VP for Undergraduate Affairs, Director of Administration, Director of Communications, Undergraduate Student Advocate, Regional Director Central, Regional Director West. And while Elections take place at the National Convention, lots happens between now and then to make that happen! Here’s the elections schedule: Nominations period is May 5th to May 20th. Nomination Accept Deadline is June 7th. Nominee bids and websites are due June 21st. Candidates Q&A (and Run-Off elections if needed) is July 10th through July 21st.

10. Learn more about our new philanthropy. Girl Up will be at Convention this year for a special presentation where sisters will have an opportunity to learn more about them, how they work, and how we can work together!

There are so many more reasons, but there’s the most important ONE of them all: SISTERHOOD.

See you in Chapel Hill!



Theta Nu Xi

Scholarship. Service. Sisterhood. Leadership. Multiculturalism