I’m a Published Author!

Latasha Brown
2 min readMay 12, 2024

After years of procrastination, self-doubt, and worrying, I finally published my very first novel, Rocky Crescendo!

Yeah, that’s right. Your girl’s a published freaking author!

OMG! What’s Your New Book About?

I’m glad you asked! It’s a cute coming-of-age story about how an anxious 14-year-old singer named Rocky wants to break out of her shell once she starts high school. But in her pursuit of social acceptance, she faces tough choices that challenge her loyalty to her friends and her own authenticity (an excerpt from the summary lol). Even though it’s primarily targeted to younger readers, people of all ages can resonate with the story as they follow Rocky’s journey of finding her voice, facing insecurities, and learning the value of staying true to herself.

Rocky is very loosely based on myself. I’ve always been shy growing up, and I always thought about what it would be like to be one of the cool kids. Throughout my school years, I was terrified of doing anything in front of other people (and still am, to an extent). I’d always stick with the same small group of friends who didn’t make me feel weird or like an outcast — talking to people was always hard for me, just like how it is for Rocky. A lot of her anxious thoughts were practically my own growing up.

Rocky Crescendo started as a short story I wrote in the 11th grade for a short story writing contest to meet Sharon M. Draper. If I’m being 100% honest, I don’t remember where the idea came from. I think I just wanted to tell a fun, inspiring story and vicariously live through Rocky. Wish I had a more inspiring reason to give, but hey. Most of my stories are just me living vicariously through the main character.

Where Can I Buy This Incredible New Book of Yours?

Rocky Crescendo is available to purchase in e-book and paperback format wherever you like to get your books online (Amazon, B&N, etc.) I also created an author profile on Bookshop.org so you can support your favorite local bookstores while also supporting my dreams of selling as many of these books as possible.

I’m experiencing so many emotions right now. People are finally going to be able to read this story I’ve worked so hard on, and I can’t wait to see what they think of it. Thanks so much for your support!

This is cross posted on my personal/lifestyle blog, Yours Truly, Tasha B.

