The Most Popular Types of Node.js Apps in 2023

The Awesome
4 min readJan 9, 2023


The following Node.js apps have been building their enterprise-level applications for some time with many testimonies of the product’s usefulness and speed. These include several successful leading technology companies with effective, efficient, and flexible API endpoints.
More specifically, this is an ideal way for frontend and backend developers to work together on a project, coding in a single programming language (JavaScript).

What Is Node.js?

Node.js is a tool for writing scalable network applications built around a lightweight JavaScript runtime that uses Chrome’s V8 engine.

Since its first release in 2009, Node.js has been utilized by 500 Fortune-companies across the nation.

Why Use Node.js?

Generally, Node.js is used for developing non-blocking, event-driven applications and servers because of its single-threaded and real-time push architecture.

Here are a few reasons why you might want to use Node.js for app development.


With Node.js, you can build applications that scale with your business using microservice architecture and containerization.


It offers enhanced performance for those with web applications that need high speed with it running Chrome’s V8 Engine. This is the reason why companies such as Uber are adopting Node.js when it’s in its early stage.


With the microservice nature of Node.js, this programming language offers huge advantages for maintainability. In the event that you can split a program into tiny pieces, the maintenance of that software becomes simpler than maintaining a huge, bloated piece of software.


It’s possible to have quicker and more streamlined web app development when using Node.js thanks to its microservice architecture, language accessibility, and ability to make use of the millions of available libraries available through NPM.

Top Companies Building Node.js Apps

Here’s a list of some popular companies that utilize Node.js on their servers for enterprise application use.

Node.js is a popular platform for building web applications, and many companies use it to power their products and services. Here are a few examples of well-known companies that have built Node.js applications:

  1. Netflix: Netflix uses Node.js to power its back-end services and to build its mobile apps.
  2. Uber: Uber uses Node.js for its driver and rider app, as well as for its dispatch and data pipeline systems.
  3. PayPal: PayPal uses Node.js to power its web applications and to build its mobile apps.
  4. eBay: eBay uses Node.js to power its web and mobile applications, as well as its internal systems.
  5. LinkedIn: LinkedIn uses Node.js to power its mobile app and to build its web application.
  6. Trello: Trello, the popular project management tool, is built on top of Node.js.
  7. Walmart: Walmart uses Node.js to power its e-commerce platform and to build its mobile app.
  8. Capital One: Capital One, a financial services company, uses Node.js to build its web applications and microservices.
  9. GoDaddy: GoDaddy, a web hosting and domain registration company, uses Node.js to power its web applications and internal systems.
  10. Groupon: Groupon, a daily deals website, uses Node.js to power its web and mobile applications.

10 Popular Types of Node.js Apps

Node.js is a versatile platform that can be used to build a wide variety of applications. Here are ten popular types of Node.js apps:

  1. Web Applications: Node.js is often used to build server-side web applications.
  2. Mobile Applications: Node.js can be used to build the back-end for mobile applications, as well as to create server-side APIs that mobile apps can interact with.
  3. Real-time Applications: Node.js is well-suited for building real-time applications such as chat apps, collaborative tools, and multiplayer games.
  4. Microservices: Node.js is commonly used to build microservices, which are small, independent units of code that can be composed to build larger applications.
  5. Data Streaming Applications: Node.js is good at handling data streams, making it a good choice for building applications that process large amounts of streaming data.
  6. Command Line Tools: Node.js can be used to build command line tools and utilities.
  7. Internet of Things (IoT) Applications: Node.js is often used to build applications that run on connected devices and sensors, as part of the IoT.
  8. Serverless Applications: Node.js is a popular choice for building serverless applications, which are built on top of cloud functions and run in response to events.
  9. Static Site Generators: Node.js can be used to build static site generators, which are used to generate static HTML files from templates and data.
  10. Desktop Applications: Hire Node.js Developers can be used to build desktop applications using frameworks such as Electron.


This article has discussed ten of the most popular types of Node.js apps, as well as several popular apps created with this runtime engine.

So in conclusion, node.js is very popular and scales very well, so it may be a good idea for developing your next application.

Tell us about your Node.js project in the comments, and keep coding!



The Awesome writes about emerging technologies. Being a tech geek, and keeps a close watch over the industry focusing on the latest technology news