Vue vs. React : The Future of JavaScript 2023

The Awesome
13 min readJan 27, 2023


Frameworks such as React and Vue are integral when developing web projects. However, their differences can be confusing for companies looking to make a decision between them. Although there isn’t necessarily one “best” framework, the right one may suit your project best depending on its specific needs.

Vue vs. React

Many people have difficulty distinguishing between Vue and React for web development, often finding it difficult to decide which one is better for a particular task. That’s where our guide comes in handy; by providing an overview of the benefits and features of both frameworks, you’ll be able to make a more informed decision.

Before making a decision between React and Vue, it would be helpful to understand their respective performance specs.

Why React and Vue are Popular?

Differences in popularity between Vuejs and React frameworks may be attributable to a variety of factors, including their respective strengths. Before deciding on which one to use, it’s important for developers to understand why each is reasonably well-known.

React is determined to be the number one JavaScript framework this year. Both Vue.js and React.js are external frames, providing consistent performance between them as well as a quality come to web development that aligns with various business requirements.

This library benefits from Facebook’s support in a variety of ways. First and foremost, developers can rely on good customer service when using the library — this is guaranteed by the social media platform itself. Additionally, each team within Facebook has access to and can use the library for their own projects; this allows for constant enhancement and updates.

The framework’s competitor, Vue, has a small-scale community thus far but is roaring steadily. Additionally, there are few thirdparty resources and libraries available; most of which do not have localized versions.

React has several benefits compared to Vue, including more tools. Virtually every major IDE supports React, and you can view its detailed blueprint on GitHub. Additionally, React enjoys a wider adoption than Vue does at present, which may make it an easier choice for some developers.

Vue vs. React Performance

Now let’s take a watch at the performance differences between Vue and React. Remember that both frameworks have some similar components, and often achieve common outcomes in performance tests.

Both React and Vue utilize lazy loading to reduce the amount of data that is loaded initially, which in turn speeds up the site. Additionally, Both libraries have containers that optimize file uploads. While React outperforms Vue when it comes to startup time, this difference is minimal when compared with script execution times. Both frameworks offer comparable support for accelerating project uploading

Vue can handle more frames per second than React.

When updating the state of elements in React, that will result in additional rendering. Normally this would have a negative impact on performance, but Vue takes into account dependencies and blocks children elements from being re-rendered when their states change.

It is reasonable to suppose that Vue will provide slightly greater performance outcomes. However, we insist that speed and loading times of your app are markedly influenced by the libraries you utilize as well as other external factors.

While Vue may offer improved performance speeds and scalability, React. js offers an enriched ecosystem with many templates and extra tools that makes it better suited for larger projects. As such, smaller teams often choose to work with React over Vue when speed is of utmost importance; this factor usually outweighs other advantages offered by Vue.

React vs Vue — Application Architecture

One of the benefits of dividing an application’s architecture into several layers is that it becomes more flexible and convenient. React, in particular, utilizes render functions to generate all interface elements from scratch. This code mixture — a blend of JavaScript and HTML — is where everything happens.

Some Vue team members often advise against choosing between render functions and templates, but instead combining them to create a “logical” rendering approach. Templates offer a easier another, although Vue also has even supports JSX (React syntax) and render functions. Some users prefer templates while others prefer the more readable format provided by render functions. Ultimately it is up to the individual user what they find easier to read.

In React, you can create a newly project from scratch by selecting the “New Project” option. However, this process is limited in that it does not allow for customization and there is only single default template available for Single Page Applications.

The Vue project generator offers users with templates tailored to various apps and make systems, as well as the ability to save settings specific to a new project’s architecture during its creation process. Most importantly: creating a newly project using Vue allows you to configure its structure immediately after starting the process

Syntax Difference Between Vue and React

React and Vue have a significant difference in their syntax. React is based on JavaScript, while Vue uses TypeScript. This makes a big difference in how the code looks and works.

React is known for its unique syntax. This would be how we might write the headline “Hello world!” in React:

<h1>Hello world!</h1>,

JSX is a unusual blend of JS and HTML code, which is usually separated into separate files. This file contains all the actual layout design codes, meaning that it can be converted to regular JavaScript code once saved.

Vue uses HTML templates by default. However, you can also write your code in JavaScriptX if you prefer. Keep in mind that this is an option, and not a requirement.

React offers only JavaScriptX syntax. Vue’s separation of CSS, HTML, and JS provides new web developers experience in developing single-page applications. As HTML templates are often used by design professionals, this authorise for a shared language and facilitates communication between development groups working on the same project.

React and Vue are two different JavaScript frameworks that offer distinctive features.

one of the main distinctions between React and Vue is the way their respective view layers are make. In React, a user’s code appears as plain JavaScript Expressions, while by default, Vue utilizes HTML templates which can also be written in Javascript.

Hiring Demand and Talent Availability

Although Vue is simply for beginners to learn, it’s more difficult to find a React specialist than a Vue js developers when looking for someone specific for your project. That’s why if you need worldly-wise technology to be used in your project, hiring a React developer will likely be faster and cheaper than finding a VUE JS developer.

First, they will appreciate the project faster due to their greater knowledge of this particular type of technology. Second, it won’t take as long to identify and hire that specialist since there are many available candidates.”

React’s popularity recommends that the development community is quite experienced in its use. According to a Front-End Tooling survey, nearly half of developers feel comfortable working with React, which is significantly higher than when it was measured last year.

Although only 23% of respondents say they are confident using Vue at a high level, this indicates that the community imvolve many skilled professionals when it comes to

Despite Vue’s negative reputation, its popularity is still on the rise. It ranked 4th on a list of technologies programmers needed to survey in 2020 and this trend is likely to continue into 2022.

This fact suggests that more programmers will be exposed to Vue in future years. Additionally, being easier to study than other frameworks has helped contribute towards Vue’s growing reputation.

Developers Experience about React and Vue

Given the recent surge in popularity of React and Vue, it is natural to want to know what appealing aspects these programming technologies have for experienced developers. In this article, we’ll take a look at why programmers like each one and which technology may be best suited for your specific project. So stay tuned!

Developers suggest that Vue.js is an attractive library because it’s easier to learn and faster to implement than other solutions on the market. Additionally, there are software templates available which make creating applications significantly simpler.

In terms of documentation, developers point out that it is extensive and helpful in explaining how specific features work within the framework of Vue.js

React is popular for a variety of reasons, including its expansive ecosystem and range of available cases. Additionally, React ranks first when compared to other development frameworks by prevalence and universality. Developers also praised the framework’s popularity, attributing it as one major reason why they chose this technology stack.

Tools for React and Vue

When deciding between Vue and React for a project, it is important to consider their respective strengths. While both frameworks are standalone, React should be used in concurrence with other libraries due to its widespread use among developers.

React relies on external data sources (Flux / Redux) for state management and routing. This simplifies debugging, as Facebook offers a response-redux implementation for managing responses.

Additionally, React supports using response-router to customized how requests are handled by the system. By providing only one solution to manage these complexities, this architecture makes it more difficult to troubleshoot issues related to loading or performance.

Key Differences Between Vue and React

Frameworks differ significantly in their capabilities and applicability. This variety affects the kind of project each can be used for.

Vue and React utilize different methods for rendering content in the DOM. Vue utilizes JSX and HTML template, while React relies on only JSX. This distinction can have a significant impact on how quickly an application is rendered, as well as its complexity.

React is a popular front-end technology that enables developers to create user interfaces. Its main solutions are elements (components), script management and DOM management. Other tasks associated with React development, such as data binding and routing, have been made by the community over time.

However, for novice programmers who are unfamiliar with this format of work, it can be difficult to use so many thirdparty libraries and resources simultaneously.

The framework utilizes Vue, a community-driven library of solutions that are both beginner-friendly and proficient for experienced professionals. This symbiosis gives users the best possible results without sacrificing quality.

As time passed and companies began utilizing different development tools based on their own experience and requirements, rather than adhering to a singular philosophy, the gap between various frameworks gradually diminished. Framework efficiency remains largely unique to each setting however; no framework is inherently better than another.

React is a library that allows for component architecture, DOM manipulation and state management (within the confines of components), while Vue is a framework which does not dictate these aspects. This approach provides developers with more freedom in terms of design and development.

Will Vue Replace React?

At this point, it’s premature to say what will completely replace React. Judging by the size of the community and number of projects that continue to use React, it seems unlikely that a replacement for it will arrive anytime soon.

Despite the many benefits and ease of use associated with Vue, it is still not as popular as React. This newer technology requires more time to develop and may never attain widespread success. We can only speculate about its potential future at this point.

What is Easier to Learn?

React will still be the top-notch framework to learn in 2022, but Vue is becoming more popular due to its ease of use.

React’s documentation may be flawed, but that doesn’t mean the framework is all that hard to learn. In fact, demand for React is what has motivated more creators to explore and utilize it.

While Vue is a powerful library, its documentation can be more developer-friendly than those of some of the competitors. If you know basic HTML and have limited experience with development, we recommend using Vue.

Both frameworks support learning through HTML and JavaScript, but Vue is simpler to use because it helps these languages natively.

Documentation Difference

According to official Vue website, the documentation is top notch and answers common questions clearly. Additionally, their site features a wealth of detailed tech information with easy-to-find explanations for those seeking help.

In comparison, the competitor’s website suffers when it appears to having comprehensive documentation and clear response to frequently asked questions (FAQs).

Despite this, the Vue syndication is still less strong than the React one. As a result, you may experience difficulty with problems that are out of the ordinary.

Although React documentation is not perfect, programmers are more likely to turn to the community for help when encountering nonstandard and complex issues. In comparison, frameworks typically have a higher level of complete documentation which can compensate for its lack in certain areas.

Furthermore, due to the large number of customers associated with them, frameworks tend to be similar in terms of their capabilities.

What is More Secure?

With regard to security, it’s important to remember that this is determined by the app upgrade approach. The interface technology doesn’t matter.

There are several potential security risks associated with JavaScript, and even regular elements can have harmful consequences. This is true for both structures

React’s security is a chief concern, as app attacks can only occur if one of its vulnerable modules are used. This includes React’s server-side implementation using ReactDOM. Additionally, VueJS has been released below the MIT license and poses no risks for commercial use.

Development Cost

Developers working with Vue.js on Upwork generally cost between $19 and $35 per hour, but this can range depending on a number of factors, such as the size and complexity of the project.

On average, an organization hiring developers through YouTeam will spend around $47 per hour and reach a monthly maximum value of approximately $7,563.2

As React is a widely used programming language for developing mobile apps, the price of creating a React Native app can range from $15,000 between $300,000. the hourly rates that developers charge on Upwork may also vary greatly depending on the project’s duration or scope.

Vue vs. React: Which to Choose for Your Product?

React or Vue? One big difference between React and Vue is that React provides a lot of flexibility for developers. This allows frameworks to be created, which are available in different ways depending on when the application will be released. Applications built with React tend to be fast, easy to test, and performant.

However, this is very difficult to achieve and because of this numerous companies may have applications that are slow or hard-to-test due to the lack of understanding by novice developers.

React is like a bad swimming coach who just throws you into the pool and talks about swimming, without caring if you can breathe or wave your goals. In this scenario, it’s important to remember that React is only concerned with making sure that you are actually swimming; anything else (like maintaining proper breathing or coordinating motions) is irrelevant.

This problem often crops up in teams where there are no React experts, as people tend to develop applications at their own pace instead of taking the time necessary to choose what would be best for the project as a whole. Be mindful when making decisions so that your chosen solution meets both your needs and those of the rest of the team.

Vue Pros and Cons

This article covers the pros and cons of Vue.js, which is a popular JavaScript framework. While it has many benefits, it may also have some unexpected drawbacks.


React applications are commonly composed of reusable components. This is facilitated by the fact that, in most cases, a UI component can be used across various code variants or even outside of React projects with little to no alterations. Moreover, popular libraries for constructing React components have replaced developers as standards go-to resources.

React is a JS library for creating user interfaces. It should not be confused with a framework, as React does not impose any requirements on you and it handles state changes automatically.


  • ReactJS is a comparatively latest technology and continues to grow in popularity. Developers are constantly contributing features and improvements, making it an exciting platform for developing applications.
  • JSX syntax can be confusing for newcomers.
  • The complexity of search engine optimization can be overwhelming for those without prior experience.
  • Keep your focus on the user interface and make it easy for users to navigate.

Vue and React Apps Examples

There is ample evidence that React and Vue are highly popular among developers, as evidenced by the number of well-known applications that utilize these technologies. You can simply find a list of some of the most prominent examples on this topic if you’re interested.

Both Vue and React have become very famous in recent times, with many people enjoying using them to create innovative projects.

React is a powerful JavaScript framework that comes with numerous resources and tools to help developers achieve their technical goals. In addition, React can be used for almost any project — from small web applications to complex enterprise-level projects.

At the same time, React shines in social network application development: Pinterest and Instagram use it too.


Facebook initially used ReactJS, though it’s now partially implemented in the mobile app. Interestingly, Facebook is where ReactJS was originally created- this shows that they use it.

But one of the development group members at Facebook has confirmed that some aspects of News Feed are actually using Vue.js

Yahoo! Mail

React has been incorporated into Yahoo! email customer in order to make it more powerful and streamlined. This decision was made by developers working on the Yahoo Mail platform, who were faced with a number of updates that needed to be implemented.

Tesla App

Tesla, a leading electric car manufacturer, used React Native to build both an Android and iOS app. The user interfaces for these platforms were virtually indistinguishable; all the features of the application are operational on both mobile devices.


It’s unclear why Xiaomi decided to adopt Vue.js, but The fact that this is happening indicates that “Chinese unicorns”, as Evan You once called them, tend to prefer this framework. In some cases, this preference may be attributed to the ability of Vue.js to easily integrate with other Chinese frameworks and technologies.


Netflix is a well-known streaming service that provides users with an extensive selection of television shows and films. Some internal parts of Netflix are said to be powered by Vue.js applications, specifically some main cloud data storage utilities.

React versions work fine on the Netflix platform called Gibbon; however, there is a separate version used for low-performance devices such as TV sets instead of using the DOM in web browsers like normal browsers do.

Any web development framework is applicable to creating online stores, but Vue is particularly well-suited for this task; it’s used by Nintendo, Louis Vuitton and BMW USA.


While all three libraries have their benefits and drawbacks, it is evident that React provides more appropriate use cases than Vue. However, if you are intending to implement a specific feature with React rather than one of the other two libraries, choosing the wrong library may not result in what you desired.

It is important to understand the goals of a web app and the demands of its respective company in order for an appropriate choice to be made between Vue and React. Once this information has been gathered, a decision must then be made as to which option will assist develop a quality product.

In order to make an informed decision about which design framework to use for your product, it is important to test both options. To do so, speak with the team responsible for designing and developing products using Vue.js or React Native.

There are a number of factors that can ultimately influence your final option, so don’t rush into making a decision. Be sure to Read the documentation carefully and determine whether you require development services in these specific frameworks to produce a successful product.



The Awesome writes about emerging technologies. Being a tech geek, and keeps a close watch over the industry focusing on the latest technology news