Your guide to Telos community abbreviations and acronyms

Ever feel like your community peers are speaking to you in a different language?

The Teloscope
3 min readDec 24, 2018


Even though not being actually sure of what a particular acronym stands for, some people may remain in the dark because they do not dare to ask for clarification in the fear of being asking “obvious” questions.

Well, specially for those of you in that situation The Teloscope team have compiled abbreviations for some commonly used terms that you’re likely to run into at Telos world.

If you can’t find the acronym you’re looking for on this list, please let us know.

ABI — Application Binary Interface

ABP / ABPs — Active block producer / Appointed block producers

AMA — Ask Me Anything (social media channels)

AML — Anti-Money Laundering (regulation)

API — Application program interface

APS — Actions per second

B1 — (company publisher of the EOSIO blockchain protocol)

BAU — Business As Usual (activities, tasks, team, etc.)

BFT — Byzantine Fault Tolerance

BP — Block producer

CLI — Command line interface (e.g. CLI tools: cleos, teclos)

DAC / DAO — Decentralized autonomous corporation / Decentralized autonomous organization

DApp — Decentralized application

DeFi — Decentralized Finance

DM / PM — Direct or private message (to a specified user on social media, e.g. Telegram)

DPoS — Delegated proof of stake (consensus algorithm)

ECAF — EOSIO Core Arbitration Forum

ETRF — Exchange Token Reserve Fund

EVM— Ethereum Virtual Machine

FUD — Fear, uncertainty and doubt (disinformation strategy)

GDPR — (The European Union) General Data Protection Regulation

IBC — Inter-Blockchain Communication

ICO — Initial coin offering

IPFS — InterPlanetary File System

JSON—JavaScript Object Notation (data format)

KYC — Know Your Customer (procedures)

LIB — Last irreversible block

msig — Multiple signatures

NFT— Non-fungible Token

NDA—Non-Disclosure Agreement (legal contract)

OTC— Over-the-counter (cryptocurrency trading)

P2P — Peer-to-peer (nodes, networks, etc.)

PGP — Public Guidance Price (for RAM)

PK — Public Key (cryptography)

PKI — Public Key Infrastructure

PM / DM — Private or direct message (to a specified user on social media, e.g. Telegram)

POC — Proof of Concept (software development)

PoS — Proof of Stake (consensus algorithm)

REX — Resource Exchange

SBP — Standby block producer

SC — Smart contract

SK — Secret or private Key (cryptography)

TaPoS — Transactions as Proof-of-Stake

TED / TEDP — Telos Economic Development (Plan)

TBN — Telos Blockchain Network

TBNARP — Telos Blockchain Network Arbitration Rules and Procedures

TBNOA — Telos Blockchain Network Operating Agreement

TCD — Telos Core Developers

TCG — Telos Contributors Group

TCRP — Telos Community Rewards Pool

TF — Telos Foundation

TFEB — Telos Foundation Executive Board

TFRP — Telos Founders Reward Pool

TFVT — Telos Foundation voting tokens

TIP — Telos improvement proposal

TLG — Telos launch group

TLOS —Native cryptocurrency of the Telos Blockchain Network

TOS — Telos Original Snapshot

TPS — Transactions per second

TRIM — Telos Resource Improved Management (plan)

Tx/Txn — Transaction

TxID — Transaction Identifier (hash)

UI — User interface

UTXO — Unspent Transaction Output

WPS — Telos Worker Proposal System

This list has been compiled by members of The Teloscope team.

The Teloscope is an independent nonprofit Telos block producer — our work is free from the influence of crypto whales or other BPs. The revenue we get from any service we provide to the Telos network is fully invested in our Telos BP infrastructure, as well as in tools and services for the blockchain community.

You can support us by including theteloscope among the list of BPs that deserve your vote.

