7 Top Instagram Influencers For Fitness Motivation November 2018

4 min readJan 30, 2019

Only if we know what, when, and why we want to achieve our active and healthy living goals, we are able to easily adapt to change, and then convert new actions we take into habits. However, even if we know the rules, it’s often difficult to maintain the same level of motivation that we initially begin our fitness journey with.

The article was originally published on TheTide.co blog

Motivation is not an easy thing to master for none of us.

As a fitness instructor or personal trainer, you might struggle with motivation many times, and for various reasons. When you just start your professional career, everything is new, and you might feel overwhelmed. When you’re on your fitness career path for a long time, oftentimes you look for new ways to bring fresh ideas into your training. As a fitness enthusiast, you know what is needed to achieve your workout objectives, but there are many other tasks and responsibilities you have to deal with in your private and professional life that may distract your attention.

As we all experience some ups and downs in our fitness regime, what’s really important is to know how to respond to it, and actively look for new sources of inspiration to stay on track.

Below we highlight 7 the most inspiring fitness influencers on Instagram who everyday showcase their active and healthy living journey on their accounts. They not only motivate themselves to keep on their fitness goals but also positively inspire others to go forward with their workout endeavors. Ready to gain some new fitness insights and inspiration? Here we go!

7. Gisele Wyne @giselewyne

Gisele is a yoga teacher from Maryland, US. On her Instagram page, she describes her active living journey and life not only as a yoga instructor but also as a mother. All the photos are taken in beautiful outdoor locations, what makes us even more willing to go practice yoga in nature on a regular basis. Recently, she has moved to Phoenix, AZ where she continues to conduct yoga classes and workshops.

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6. Flora @foodfitnessflora

Flora is a fitness enthusiast, and blogger, based in London, UK. At the beginning, Flora started an Instagram account as a part of her own healthy living journey. Currently, through the account, she inspires other people who want to lead an active life in order to restore a balance between mind and body. Gym, running, boxing training or handstand practice — you can be sure you’re in the right place to gain fitness inspiration!

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5. Miguel Sant’ana @miguel_hand_balance

Miguel is a Brazilian New Zealander, and a hand-balance artist who is traveling the world in order to inspire people to be more happy, more confident, and feel fulfilled. How is he able to achieve it? The answer is simple: Miguel teaches people how to perform handstands. On Instagram, you can follow Miguel’s active living journey while he holds handstand workshops and classes in Hong Kong, Spain, Hawaii, Brazil, and many more beautiful destinations all around the world. Wanna give it a try?

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4. Nicole Roggow @ncapurso22

Nicole is a CrossFit athlete, and nutrition coach based in Springfield, Missouri. On her Instagram page, she showcases photos and videos from CrossFit trainings, and competitions, as well as backstage scenes documenting her daily active living activities, and achievements. Have you ever thought if CrossFit is a discipline for you? Follow Nicole’s account to find all the answers with the right dose of fitness inspiration.

3. Liz Lowenstein @miz.liz

Liz is a yoga instructor, dietitian, and nutritionist based in Texas, US. On her Instagram account, she highlights photos documenting her yoga teaching career path — in Texas, and all around the world. Except for organizing AcroYoga, yoga, and handstands classes, and workshops, as well as providing yoga teaching trainings, Liz is a founder of Dallas Farmers Market Yoga, free outdoor yoga classes.

2. Daniel Rama @danielrama_

Daniel is a hatha yoga teacher, sports nutrition specialist, and online yoga coach from Ontario, Canada. After recovering from a major injury through consecutive yoga practice, Daniel started to share his experience, knowledge, and passion for yoga with people from all around the world online. His Instagram account is a source of inspiration for students and teachers looking to deepen their yoga, and mindfulness practice. Daniel organizes yoga teacher trainings with two upcoming events in Barcelona, and Bali. Do not miss Daniel’s Youtube channel showcasing yoga tutorials and meditation sessions.

1. Lucas Parker @toqueluc

Lucas is a Canadian CrossFit Athlete, individual CrossFit Games veteran, and multi-medalist. Currently, his Instagram account is followed by more than 150K users. Lucas shares his CrossFit knowledge and experience, showcasing his fitness career path and passion for an active life. Lucas promotes the idea of finding a healthy balance in life simply by incorporating more physical activity into our daily activities. As a CrossFit athlete and coach, he travels all around North America.

See also: 9 Top Fitness Influencers to Follow on Instagram October 2018

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