How To Get Started With Yoga — The Beginner’s Guide To Yoga

6 min readNov 2, 2018


The article was originally published on blog

Starting yoga can be both exciting and intimidating if you are not sure where and how to begin your practice.

Yoga introduces many new postures, techniques, and concepts of movements that as a beginner you may not be familiar with yet. There are various styles of yoga from relaxing Yin Yoga to vigorous and intense Vinyasa Yoga. Also, yoga poses are often named in a different language, so the pronunciation may be a challenge, and memorizing them all takes time. When you start doing yoga, it’s also important to know all the benefits of a particular pose or style and choose the one that is the most suitable to your needs.

This yoga guide will show you best practices for beginners, at the same time answering the most common questions about yoga. Find here everything that you need to know before getting on the mat.

How to start doing yoga

What is yoga and who is it for

Yoga is a practice that originated from India that helps one to find a balance between body and mind. Focusing on movements and breath, yoga offers students numerous proven health benefits, including stress reduction, greater emotional well-being, pain relief, flexibility, and strength, to name a few.

Yoga has become in today’s world a daily norm that does not discriminate or judge. Yoga enables people of different ages, and with a range of needs, to begin at a comfortable and safe starting point. Explore yoga in a safe, friendly and enjoyable manner, and you will learn on yourself when on the mat.

Why should I do yoga

Yoga plays a major role in increasing the flexibility of your body hence protecting you from injury. Yoga is also beneficial as it plays a role weight loss thus improving your cardio system and circulatory health. When you are practicing yoga, it helps lessen chronic pain. Yoga lowers blood pressure, settles both mind and body, and reduce stress. It also makes us feel more energetic, focused, and able to perform daily tasks effectively.

“Yoga does not just change the way we see things, it transforms the person who sees.”

–B.K.S Iyengar

Overall, yoga gives you a positive outlook in life thus helping you calm your thoughts, and break free of excessive worry.

How do I know which style of yoga to do first

When you decide to start yoga you should try out the different yoga classes, studios, teachers, and styles before you sign up to the one who stands out from the others and simply suits you best.

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The hatha yoga class is best for beginners as it is slow enabling your body to adapt to the yoga stretches. The Vinyasa yoga is dynamic and suitable for beginners who prefer active practice as it incorporates fast pace movements and breathes. The most popular types of yoga include also restorative yoga, yin yoga, kundalini yoga, power yoga, ashtanga yoga, and Iyengar yoga.

How often should I do yoga

Yoga does not need specific hours for it to be effective. It can be done one hour per week and still yield great results similar to those that you’d get from the more intense practice.

Should I start yoga at home or join a yoga studio

Some of us may find it challenging to do some body stretches and it can be overwhelming to overcome the mental and physical hurdles that inhibit a regular exercise routine when we start doing yoga. That’s why the best way to begin yoga is ensuring that you are comfortable in the place where the yoga is taking place.

You can opt to start doing yoga at home either by the help of a personal yoga trainer, the viewing of online classes, or using various mobile applications. In a yoga studio, you receive help and support of experienced teachers who accompany you during the class. As they are experts in their niche, you can learn more about yoga basics, deepen your practice, and ask questions. Group classes offer also a great opportunity to meet other yoga enthusiasts, share insights and experiences.

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What to look for in a good yoga teacher

When you begin yoga, it’s important to find a teacher that makes you feel comfortable and has the ability to explain everything in the easiest possible way.

The yoga trainer should be professional, enthusiastic, calm, make you feel centered, and have a great sense of humor that makes the students look up to them. The tutor must have the love for yoga, and pay attention to detail, to ensure that the students are doing the right thing at the right time. The teacher must have a class plan, must always arrive early and inform the students about the activities planned for the day. It’s also important to have a positive energy, be focused on the activities taking place, and provide peaceful surroundings for the session to take place.

If you’re attending classes in your yoga studio, the teacher should be able to connect with every student, support, and help if needed, despite the number of people attending the practice.

What should I observe before and during yoga sessions

When planning to attend a yoga session, you should not eat for approximately three hours prior to the class. This may cause the food that has not been fully digested to make you uncomfortable because of the stretching of the different parts of the body. You can take light snacks such as almonds, green juice or dark chocolate 30 minutes before the yoga lesson. This helps you eliminate any discomfort that you may experience.

In cases where you are tired or injures, you are advised to inform the tutor and even skip some of the poses that seem difficult for you to do. If the poses are modified or a physician has advised against the pose, do not push your body to extreme levels that make you strain so much causing harm to the body.

Yoga is peaceful and should be carried out in an environment that is quiet hence; you are advised to remain silent to avoid distracting the other individuals. Arriving early helps as arriving late and leaving early can disrupt the other class members. Make sure that the phone is on silent or turned off to avoid disturbance.

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Which yoga poses are best for beginners

As a beginner, there are certain yoga poses that you need to be familiar with, in order to kick-start your yoga practice.

The mountain pose will be one of the first poses beginners learn. It enables you to get a sense of your feet. The downward facing dog helps you to strengthen your body. The tree is the best yoga poses for beginners as it helps you to gain focus, clarity and helps one to learn how to breathe as you balance on one leg. The child’s pose helps in relieving tension. The bridge pose helps in strengthening one’s body and also stretching ones frontal part of the body. The seated forward bend assists in stretching your lower, upper, back, and the sides of your physique. The warrior 1 and warrior 2 help in building one’s confidence and also enable an easy transition to other poses. The plank helps in strengthening the abdominal regions of the body. Last but not least, there is the triangle pose that strengthens the legs and tones the entire body.

What do you need for a yoga class

Apart from setting your body and mind ready for yoga, you need to have a pair of yoga shorts or leggings and a yoga vest or t-shirt. You do not need any footwear, but you can wear socks to feel comfortable. A towel also comes in handy when doing yoga as they help in wiping off sweat.

Most studios will provide you with mats, however, if you are uncomfortable using their mat, you can get yours. In yoga studios, you may find also blocks, straps, blankets, and bolsters.

For the individuals who want to find a way to recharge, get leaner, be more flexible and strong, consider starting a yoga practice. All you need to do is to have a positive approach, and breath deeply! The rest will come naturally.

Do you practice yoga? What advice would you give for people who want to start doing yoga?

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