Wow. I’m endorsing Bernie Sanders

Tim Heidecker
2 min readJan 10, 2020


Wait, why am I endorsing anyone? Who cares? Who asked??

Let’s just say I’m supporting him and hope he becomes the Democratic nominee.

Its not easy, there’s a lot of good people running and I think many of them have good intentions and may make great presidents. I’ll happily support anyone running against Donald Trump later this year (HOLY SHIT LATER THIS YEAR THIS IS HAPPENING???)

I am not Bernie or Bust, and one of my big hesitations around supporting him has been the cultish online faction of zealots that appear online, you know, the Bernie Bros . I’ve come to appreciate that this is not generally representative of Bernie’s supporters and it seems like a lot of it is trolling, and voices meant to create misinformation and division. Sure there’s still passionate voices and I hope everyone can do as much as they can to keep the discourse civil as we work through the process of picking the Democratic Nominee. Although, a quick message to my blue hat yang gang friends: I hear you! Thanks! All the best to you!

Actually as I’ve been circling more and more around the idea of supporting Bernie, I’ve become inspired and moved by so many of his supporters that maybe some of that intractable and negative energy is subsiding.

There is no such thing as a perfect candidate but when it comes to the issues, there’s so much to be excited about with Bernie: Foreign Policy, Medicare For All, Climate Change and Environmental Policy, Taking big money out of politics, investing in our infrastructure and education, compassionate and forward thinking immigration policies… geez it’s all very exciting and possible isn’t it?

I am a realist and I understand we’re not electing a magic wizard who is going to turn America into a sparkling and worry free utopia, but we have to do something big and righteous and true: I have two small kids and I really don’t want them wondering one day if THEY should have kids because of the world we left them. Don’t you think I’d be a pretty cool pep-pep? A rad grand dad? That’s what this is all about. Anyway, vote Bernie…

I just donated $1000 to his campaign. Will you donate something? Peace.

