Top Ten Ways To Reduce Your Body Fat Percentage

The Top Essentials
5 min readJan 8, 2020


The Top Essentials

Ready to see real results around your waistline and more?

We hope y’all got some benefit from our first piece on the Church of Iron.

However, I’m thinking that many of you who are looking to “get big” are probably also wondering how the hell you get rid of the layer of blubber encapsulating your doughy form.

You may have even been able to push your body weight on all four of the main exercises (bench, squat, deadlifts, and shoulder press), but you probably haven’t reached that greek god body yet.

Let’s be real, bulking ain’t much if you don’t/can’t cut.

So in this instalment, we’ll educate you on the top 10 exercises, and ways you can do that are designed to cut the fat.

Let’s go.

Hit That High Protein Diet

Eating high-quality protein is proven to reduce the risk of pesky abdominal fat.


Hit the meat, seafood, legumes, eggs, and dairy products. Go for the excellent quality.

Add Some Vinegar To Your Diet

Getting vinegar into your diet is a great way to help bump up fat burning and reduce your appetite. (

You can add a tablespoon of vinegar to your meals. You don’t need to drink vinegar unless you are an animal.

Eat More Healthy Fats

Lose the trans fats, which are proven to put inches on the waist. (

Hit the quality olive oil, avocados, coconut oil, nuts and seeds. You will feel fuller for longer. Just don’t go wild and over-consume. Everything in moderation fatties.

Get More Fiber In You

Getting a daily intake of fibre will help you stay full longer, and is great for your blood pressure. (

Fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, nuts and seeds. Similar to step 3.

Cut Down On the Refined Carbs. Just Diet Man

I think you may see a pattern here.

Diet is incredibly essential for your health, and more so for getting cut.

Other than your appetite going wild, the difference in whole grain and refined grain foods is the distribution of fat on your body. (

Reduce the white bread, spaghetti, and white rice consumption. The hit the whole grain and brown rice. Manage your proportions appropriately.

Quit The Late Nights and Get Some Real Sleep

Getting enough sleep per night is crucial to your muscle recovery, your energy and focus, as well as your mental wellness you psychos.

There is also a correlation between sleep quality and weight gain. If you sleep less, you may notice objects starting to orbit around you as your mass increases.


Get at least 7 hours of quality sleep.

If you sleep poorly, try taking Melatonin. (check out my blog on this)

We Know You Hate It But, Get Your Cardio Up

For anyone who enjoys getting big and skipping leg day every day, the thought of cardio quickly becomes an afterthought.

However, this is proven to be one of the most effective ways to reduce belly fat. I’m talking from experience and research. (

Run 3 miles or a 5k around the park, the neighbourhood, or around your ex’s house (pro tip: you need at least one relationship in your life before you can have an ex). If you prefer, use the machines in the gym. A light impact version of cardio can be found in the pool.

Do High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

This form of exercise is all about short bursts of activity with quick recovery time.

This gets your heart rate up quickly and helps to carve fat off the midsection.

Interval training also works, where you jog, sprint and walk at various distances.

This is a very effective way to burn fat and calories, more so than standard jogging.


Burpees, sprints with short rests, pushups and running, use your imagination.

Work in These Belly Exercises

Alright so if you have made it this far (or TL;DR to this part), here’s the top 5 exercises, you can do in the gym or the comfort of your own home.

  1. Planks
  2. Crunches and Sit-Ups
  3. Ab Wheel Roll Outs
  4. Hanging Leg Lifts
  5. Cable Crunches

If you have never heard of these workouts, actually go to the gym to see how it’s done. If you don’t use a gym or have never worked out before; using Youtube or just about any internet search on this will sort you out, my friend.

Avoid Bad Foods and Drinking

This is one of the biggest things you can do to reduce your body fat significantly.

Coincidentally, it appears to be one of the hardest things to achieve for many of us. Especially for those who work in an office environment where everyone brings in candy and snacks often.

Moreover, drinking, in general, is terrible for your health and even worse for your waistline.

If you are truly serious about losing body fat, stop drinking alcohol. When you get drunk, you’ll attempt to eat your weight in unhealthy foods. You should stop eating fast food and cook proper meals. You must use what you learned in points 1–5. If you also cut out candy and snacks, you will drop weight quickly.

It’s an obvious solution. However, it is something many of you may fail to do from time to time.

So, “Be stronger than your strongest excuse.”.

In Conclusion

Reducing body fat can be one of the most challenging things anyone may attempt to do.

Especially if you are in your 30s, and more so if you are in your 40s. (hats off to the lads with the impossibly high metabolism rate)

Manage the amount of food you eat, the quality of the food you eat and be strategic about the workouts you choose.

If you follow this all to the letter, you will see results within the first few weeks. (depending on your current health and body shape)

Here at The Top Essentials, we want everyone to be of the most exceptional health, physically and mentally. If we can help you all look like greek gods as well, then we may rest on our laurels.

If you’ve missed our first instalment on getting in shape, check out the Top Ten Exercises to Build Mass.

For topics on everything else, check out the website at The Top Essentials



The Top Essentials

Every day we find ways to improve ourselves and we’ve curated the knowledge that we’ve accumulated into bits of casual wisdom.