The Travel Agents Guide to New Orleans

13 min readMar 8, 2022

A Journey to the South’s Crown Jewel

Photo by Izzy Park on Unsplash
  1. Intro
  2. Weather
  3. Itinerary
  4. Tips
  5. Price Breakdown
  6. Outro


In April 2021, my wife and I decided to take a trip to New Orleans, Louisiana. Having never been to the deep south, I didn’t know what to expect. I was aware of some things, such as Bourbon street being a source of constant partying, and that the city was rich with culture. I even knew that a few movies were filmed there, but I had no idea how many and I had no idea how extraordinarily unique the city actually was. We got to spend 3 full days there, and for the first time in my life I left asking myself “What if?” In regards to my planning for this trip. I wish I would have had more time to plan for this trip, but I only had a few days to research and plan beforehand. This guide to New Orleans follows the few days we spent there and the “what-ifs” that I wish I had known more about beforehand.


New Orleans was founded near the Mississippi River, and its land sits on the Mississippi River delta. As such, it is a very wet environment. This leads to a very warm and humid summer. So much in fact, that the worst time to visit is usually considered…




We are Brian and Will and we are The Travel Agents. Our aim is to provide helpful and insightful info on places that we love using our skills as travel agents