Al-Azhar University Egypt — Human flesh can be eaten — Cannibalism

Oct 19, 2023


Where kids are taught “We allowed the eating flesh of humans under certain conditions” — A Murtad can be killed & eaten.

Where? Al-Azhar al-Sharif University, Section central administration for books, libraries, and teaching aid for 3-year high school It is taken from page 256.

It says those who don’t pray can be grilled and then eaten.

Disclaimer: This is for all the sincere believers who want to ward off all the doubts in deen and establish firm Imaan. In the process there are many questions that result in doubts, So here is an attempt to list out all those so that you can find convincing answers for yourselves from whichever sources you find it beneficial and finally establish your minds and hearts in full faith towards Allah Subanwataala and become a True Muslim.

