Reparations Awareness Day 2023

The Truth Telling Project
1 min readFeb 25, 2023


by Rachel Davis, The Truth Telling Project

On and beyond this day (this our Reparations Awareness Day), the ghosts of the past cry out for justice from the depths of blood-stained plantation grounds from the humid deep South, frigid Northeast, and industrial Midwest to the sunny CA coast. The souls of Black union soldiers walk the 40 acres of land that was promised but never given. The bricks of former Black Wall Streets quiver as developers build yet another fancy white community over a stolen legacy. The spirit of Jim Crow evolves until he’s almost unrecognizable but his presence is deeply felt. Black bodies hit the cold pavement with knees on their necks with their screams for mercy choked out. The suffering is immeasurable, but the need for recognition of harm, healing, and repair is crucial. Will the leaders of this “free” nation acknowledge the blood on its hands that will never fully wash off? Will the hard work of black folks fighting for reparations and acknowledgment be heard? The people have spoken. Enough is enough.



The Truth Telling Project

We implement & sustain grassroots, community-centered truth-telling processes to share local voices & educate for structural change & the elimination of racism.