We condemn continued Police Violence Under COVID-19 and Demand Justice

The Truth Telling Project
3 min readMay 13, 2020


The Truth Telling Project along with countless others, demand an end to the brutality and violation of human dignity against African Americans, Indigenous People, and the LatinX communities emerging from the Corona pandemic, as well as an end to the deadly force used by law enforcement, and their surrogates.

We will continue to shine a spotlight on police violence against African Americans especially because police in the US are killing black people at alarmingly disproportionate rates in comparison to white Americans. Specifically, there are multiple cases of killings and brutality by law enforcement across the U.S. most recently in Minneapolis, a white police officer brutality pressed his knee down onto the neck of George Floyd , essentially choking him to death as Floyd said “I cannot breath”, begging “don’t kill me”. This murder comes after Indianapolis — where police killed Sean Reed while he live-streamed on Facebook. In Louisville, KY — Police shot and killed EMT Breonna Taylor as they were looking for her boyfriend during a late night raid. A sheriff’s deputy leading a white mob, in Pender County, NC,- broke into a Black family’s home searching for a missing girl. In Los Angeles, LAPD violently beat an unarmed African American man; in Sacramento County CA a Rancho Cordova police officer brutalized 14 year old Elijah Tufono; in Manhattan, police officers brutally arrested a man, then a plainclothes officer brutalized a bystander; In Brooklyn, NYPD officers violently arrested an African American man for not wearing a face mask then threatened bystanders. Overall New York City reports disproportionate numbers of Black and Latinos arrested for social distancing related violations. 81 percent of social distance summons were given to Black and Latinos These are just a few of the reported violations of human rights and dignity.

We also stand in strength and solidarity to reject the claim that people of color are biologically predisposed to this virus. We support the claim that we have been impacted by generations of structural violence that perpetuates inadequate health care, housing, education and employment for people of color. As well, promises must be kept by the federal government of the U.S. on behalf of Native communities throughout the nation. We demand the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury to release Federal COVID-19 relief funds to tribal communities (add Alaska Native Corp, Navajo Nation, etc).

We believe that increased brutality and racialized violent policing is being justified under the #COVID-19 pandemic crisis which is further weakening the democratic institutions that direct law enforcement and have led to an absence of trust in law enforcement.

We demand white citizens use their privilege to end racist policing and structural violence that increases the impact COVID-19 — instead of weaponizing their racist believes that often lead to the murder of Black people. We condemn the actions of Amy Cooper and the many similar actions of other white people that have and can lead to black people’s murder.

We demand justice be brought for the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Sean Reed and for the countless instances of brutality under the guide of law enforcement during the COVID-19 crisis.

We stand with the protestors around the country battling police violence and unequal treatment under the #coronaviruspandemic. Consider taking action with the #StandwithBre campaign for Breonna Jackson here , sign this petition demanding justice and action in Kentucky, and lastly the Color of Change petition demands action against police officers responsible for her killing.



The Truth Telling Project

We implement & sustain grassroots, community-centered truth-telling processes to share local voices & educate for structural change & the elimination of racism.