Project Great Indian Bustard

The United Indian
3 min readNov 17, 2023



Only about 200 of the Great Indian Bustard (Ardeotis nigriceps), a once-abundant bird now primarily confined to India, stand between the species and extinction. The United Indian has recognized the critical need of conservation and is leading Project Great Indian Bustard, an intensive program to protect this magnificent bird and maintain biodiversity.

The Great Indian Bustard’s Precarious Situation

The Great Indian Bustard is more than just a bird; it represents India’s extensive bird life. The catastrophic decline in its numbers, however, has made it one of the world’s rarest birds. There are only about 200 GIB left in the wild, and they’re in danger from things like power line collisions, poachers, and the destruction of their natural habitat.

The Great Indian Bustard Project: A Systematic Strategy

For this critically endangered bird, the United Indian has launched Project Great Indian Bustard, a comprehensive conservation effort. The scope of the project includes

Restoration and Preservation of Habitats

To the United Indian, the GIB’s natural habitat is of the utmost importance. The goal of Project Great Indian Bustard is to ensure the continued existence of suitable breeding and feeding areas for this species.

Community Engagement and Awareness

participation is crucial to the success of conservation activities. The United Indian is dedicated to promoting a culture of responsibility and stewardship through its efforts to educate the public about the importance of GIB conservation and to involve local communities in its protection.

Prevention of Poaching

In order to protect the Great Indian Bustard from poachers, The United Indian is collaborating closely with local government and wildlife protection agencies to enact severe anti-poaching measures.

Research and Monitoring

The GIB’s survival depends on our ability to learn more about its habits, reproduction, and travel routes. Research and monitoring efforts are ongoing as part of Project Great Indian Bustard, providing crucial information for effective conservation plans.

When it comes to enacting and enforcing rules that safeguard the GIB and its habitat, the United Indian understands the value of working together with government agencies. The success of the project relies heavily on advocacy and collaboration.

Fight for Your Future with United Indian

Your help is crucial in deciding the Great Indian Bustard’s future. The United Indian Federation is calling on all sectors of society to unite in this urgent conservation endeavor. Those who support Project Great Indian Bustard are acting as stewards of biodiversity by guaranteeing that future generations will be able to enjoy the sight of this magnificent bird in flight.


Project Great Indian Bustard is more than just a conservation effort; it’s a pledge to protect the variety of life that gives India its distinctive character. The United Indian urges you to be a part of this noble cause, working together to preserve a future where the Great Indian Bustard soars freely throughout the Indian landscape. Help us in our mission to preserve and honor the natural features that help define our nation.



The United Indian

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