7 Stages of Butterflies

The Universe of Heaven Earth Hell
4 min readMay 11, 2024


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This is a legendary monster in Heaven Earth Hell, the fiction.

“When we talk about butterflies, we talk about their wonderful gift of metamorphosis.”

Such a small and weak, unable to fly and hunted by many, a caterpillar, shows the world their magical ability to change over time and hard work. One caterpillar requires about 200 leaves to go into their hibernation or metamorphosis into a chrysalis. Now, if only you could imagine how much faith the chrysalis needs during the darkest nights before its first flapping wings are ready for the world.

You don’t know how dark it is inside a chrysalis, just like the life of one person, going through many processes and becoming as of now, a grown-ass man. Thus, I am here to tell you “An uneasy life of a butterfly.” divided into 7 stages according to my imagination. That’s right, I am indirectly informing you to put your brain aside whilst reading the below information.

Starts with an egg or are we going to have an argument about which comes first again? Let’s assume an egg is entitled to come first in this example. As an egg, this is the most vulnerable stage of every living unless you would say a chicken egg has the best protection system like automatic guns attached to every area of its shell, nah. In this stage, we can compare it to our embryo, and there’s nothing much to discuss in this process.

Moving to a better version of you, a caterpillar or a baby. At least, you are protected by your mom but a caterpillar, none protects it, and so, they need to make their life better and survive their prey which is eating 200 leaves to activate their gift, the metamorphosis. Imagine how hard it is to slowly crawl on the body of anything. That’s life, everyone. You go to school and back, and some of you already moan about it.

So what’s next? The chrysalis, the cruelest and most terrifying stage a caterpillar would have imagined. Their eyes are still working until getting bigger due to the process of metamorphosis, but that doesn’t make it most terrifying. For some fun reasons, God decides that a caterpillar, before its adult stage, has to be at the weakest stage twice, the first time was when it was an egg. Right, even their kin may kill them if they are too starving. Imagine feeling your skin munched by a stranger and you could absolutely do nothing about it but pray that your next life is going to be somewhat better and bigger. Everyone, welcome to the cruel world and the truth about life. You are so lucky to be born a human.

After all hard work and dedication to pierce out of the hardened skin, a Chrysacier finally becomes a butterfly. However, before their first flapping lesson, they have to learn how to properly get out of their shelter. This is very much important as munching 200 leaves. It tests their will if sheer or too little. What does it reflect to you, readers? Life even if at your highest peak still finds a way to interrupt your hairy ass.

As a grown-ass butterfly, your most significant job is to be used by the world to carry sperm from one flower to another. You will do this for your whole life because you were born to be working, not chilling at home and printing fake money.

The sixth stage of life begins when you start mating with someone, assuming they are your opposite sex, otherwise, you won’t bear eggs. No offence, I am a ladybug too. So, this stage is about two butterflies being horny and desperate to poop eggs. How is that different from people these days? Sex and breed, looking for a settlement with someone you care about and are horny for.

Then, we come to the final stage — they die. Yes, with all their efforts to make the world better, keep some flower species to not going extinct, become food of the top chains, help Godzilla in 2021, and build a family so their species can go on and on. Well, that’s the life of every being. We hatch, we grow, we work, we die. All is truth, and the truth sometimes is deemed as cruelty. For me, not at all, death is just part of the cycle, and death is not the true end. We will meet each other again, but we may not remember who we were in our past life.

Therefore, I hope that you will remember all these stages of a butterfly as a reminder that you are luckier to not have metamorphosis. Oh and by the way, if you would want to know your current stage of life based on the 7 stages of butterflies, watch this content.

Good luck with your life,




The Universe of Heaven Earth Hell

This serves for my fiction preview and product review.