How To Be An Introvert in a Generation of Extroverts?

Varun Khatri
5 min readDec 25, 2016

Being introverted is not easy, especially when you consider the number of extroverts this generation. I often find myself isolated from the rest of the people my age because of this.

People often say hi to me and I struggle to keep a conversation because I am not someone that is able to do that easily. I am shy but not to a point where it is embarrassing on a regular basis(though I have had my share of cringe-worthy moments).

I am introverted; there is nothing to argue there. However, I try to fight my natural tendency and push the boundaries of what I, a generally introverted person, can do. Many of my friends fall under this same introverted category and we have discussed our struggles.

I have always believed it is undesirable to be introverted. Being extroverted allows you to make a bigger network and be more approachable, both things often required for the success I dream of in my mind. In the creative, technological and entrepreneurial world I dream to be a part of, people must be able to communicate and come off as assertive. Introverts would easily stumble.

All of these thoughts have led me to prepare for living as an introvert among extroverts. I haven’t given it too much thought, but I have subliminally made myself a plan.

The Ultimate Plan for Survival in An Extroverted World

On a whole, the plan is to get outside of your comfort zone. As an introvert, this comfort zone is very condensed, but it is important to take leaps outside and then return when you feel necessary. None of these things will be easy, but if you enforce yourself to do them, you will see returns that will be very valuable.

1 — Practice Public Speaking

Public speaking is a key part of being able to communicate with people. This conversation is not one that makes relationships initially. Instead, it is one in which one’s ideas and beliefs are thrown into a conversation.

For an introvert, public speaking does not come naturally. It is something of practice. Practicing to know what you will be saying and how you will be saying it is a vital part of what the introverted presenter must know. Only if he/she is confident in her material will he/she be able to inflect that upon the audience without feeling intimidated.

Then, there is always the nerves and the stage fright. There is not a direct way to combat this other than to do what one is scared of. It’s hard, no doubt about it. But, if there is one thing that every introvert should understand, it’s that if he/she wants to compete with the extroverts, he/she must pretend to be extroverted until a level of comfortability is attained.

2 — Closely Associate Yourself With Like-Minded People (whether they be introverts or extroverts)

The people one associates himself/herself with are very important to determining who he/she is. From the seven billion people in the world, there are for sure a couple as like-minded as you. These people are who you should cherish.

But, how do you associate yourself with people that are like-minded to you? This is something that is unknown to the introverted community known as networking. At first, I was extremely foreign from this idea and I still believe I am quite a way away.

Networking is not the easiest thing to do, but it isn’t that hard either, especially when the people you surround yourself with have similar interests. I always find that I can talk about things I enjoy and that’s all you have to do.

3 — Becoming a Teacher

Teaching people is a big part of how I have been able to become more confident with my presentation skills. Teaching is something I have begun to believe will play a large part of my future. Teaching allows an introvert to understand communication more thoroughly while creating a community for himself/herself to interact with.

A great outlet for me has been Cipher. It is Brampton’s kickass coding community founded by a few great people from my school. We began running this program called “Circles” at my school. With those that attend, the club teaches them code weekly through workshops that involve hands-on coding. Each of these meetings so far have been great for me to discover a ton of people interested in the stuff I am and talk to them. Teaching someone has been immensely rewarding. It is cool to see the potential that people truly have.

4 — Attend/Organize Events

As an introvert, one is most likely to skip upon events to avoid human interaction because in his/her mind, interacting with other humans is the act of the devil (or something like that; I’m only presuming).

But, events are important to help expand an introvert’s comfort zone and reach. One does not have to attend every event around and even host events often. Going to a few and trying your hardest to push your limits is what I believe is important.

There are likely going to be events that peek one’s interest because it aligns with something one enjoys doing. These events are the ones you want to attend. You will be able to remain partially in your comfort zone, making it easier to combat the difficulties that come with socializing.

Organizing events is even more useful to push the limits of an introvert. It forces him/her to be a host. Hosting is not easy, especially as in introvert. There are many responsibilities that must be taken upon himself/herself. Cipher gave me an opportunity to host Local Hack Day with them and this event showed me what it takes to connect with people.

On a whole, attending/hosting events is a very good way to learn and network with people that have similar interests as you.

5 — Be the Best Advocate of Yourself

Know yourself better than anyone knows you! That should not be too hard considering it’s about you. When you are able to understand yourself fully, you will able to present yourself to whoever you need. If you cannot present yourself, you will lose a lot of great opportunities as a result of it.

Times you need to be able to present yourself include job interviews, networking events and when making friends. All of these are important in today’s world, especially when extroverts are going to be able to present themselves more confidently.

It’s Not So Bad After All

Being introverted is hard nowadays. But, it is not all too bad in the end. I can say that I am only the person I am because I am introverted. I like to spend time alone understanding the way I feel and thinking through things. Life as an introvert may seem cursed when success relies on communication; but, beyond external communication, introverts often seem to have better communication with themselves.

Being introverted is just another part of who you are. Take this as a blessing and harness it. It will put you in a position for success and self-enlightenment that only we, as introverts, can achieve.

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My name is Varun Khatri and my passion to write pulls me to Medium. I write for both myself and for the entertainment of my audience.

I try to write as often as I can, usually meaning once a week.

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