Elon Musk Starscope Notes: A Science Not Yet Developed

The Venus Twins 365
6 min readFeb 6, 2019


Moon in Virgo — The planet of nostalgia, nurturing, home and intuition was in the sign of service to the public, health, perfection and analyzation when Elon Musk was born on June 28, 1971. This placement indicates Elon is destined to the desire to fix the world through public service and to protect the world from its unhealthy inhumane ways.

Born to a Dietitian Mother and Engineer father and growing up during Apartheid in South Africa, Elon suffered a harsh environment of separatism and the wrong side of favoritism. He was pleased to serve in the South African military but also disgusted by a country that oppressed indigenous black peoples. In addition, he was bullied mercilessly and suffered emotional abuse by his father.

Later in life, he founded SpaceX to one day colonize Mars with human life, expanding the boundaries of the entire human race and protecting the earth’s resources. His focus is Clean Energy, The Internet and Outer Space. These projects resonate with him on a deep and emotional level, and allude to a nostalgia that someone living in a Dystopian future, wanting to go back in time and save earth and its problems, might have. The Future is his goal and his home.

Jupiter in Scorpio — The planet of expansion and higher learning is found in the sign of sex, death, and rebirth. A powerful and intense location on the chart. As mysterious as it is biting and sharp; what is learned here could pinch the mind uncomfortably, trapping thoughts in its grips, like a mousetrap invites a mouse to disable it.

No doubt the learning and growing process is not only exponentially creative, but also requires destruction; or the overwriting of old ideas to make room for the creation of the new. The need to colonize Mars and to travel in space; the fascination with AI and linking the brain’s neural network with it, the creation of the Hyperloop (a mode of transport so fast it zips through a magnetized system of tunnels at the speed of sound and can travel from New York to California in 30 minutes) comes from here.

“Physics, extends beyond what is scientifically known today. The future will show that what we now call occult or the supernatural is based on a science not yet developed”

— Nikola Tesla.

Mercury and Sun in Cancer: Musk’s thoughts are deeply internalized stemming from influences of abuse, bullying, and the byproducts of oppression in childhood from a child’s perspective. Children tend to be more open, psychic and intuitive- even if they can’t put to words what they are intuiting. Elon’s mother thought he was deaf because he had the innate ability to zone out so deeply that he couldn’t hear his name being called.

This attribute profoundly affected Elon’s thought process throughout life, leading to the ingenious inventions he has founded today. These inventions were inspired by Inventor and Scientist Nikola Tesla, who was the original inventor of the lightbulb, the electric powered car and various plans for a time machine. Throughout his life, Tesla was also bullied; but by the powers-that-be (such as the likes of Thomas Edison) who was determined to use Tesla’s ideas without affording him the credit he deserved. Tesla’s hard earned plans and notes were later confiscated and destroyed by The Office of Alien Property, which was run by the US Government.

Nevertheless, Elon has had a tendency since youth to see further into the future and feel the swell and ebb of trends in a way where he can ride their waves. This ability implies that Elon is a mental time traveler who has already reached the future and wants to save the past (the present) from the future.

The present is theirs; the future, for which I really worked, is mine”

— Nikola Tesla

Musk hasn’t officially put his deepest thoughts to words; however, his mind has traveled to places in time that are assumedly too complex for a human mind to grasp or comprehend. As a result, Elon communicates this complexity through his creations.

In an interview, Elon remarked how he was inspired by Nikola Tesla but really admired Thomas Edison. He went on to say that while Edison used Tesla’s ideas and claimed them as his own, he made good use of them by getting them off the ground instead of letting them sit in a corner collecting dust.

However, Edison was unethical and competitive with Tesla’s ideas, attempting to discredit his AC current by electrocuting animals with the DC current and accusing Tesla. Many were outraged when Musk praised Edison, but didn’t consider Musk’s ultimate goal.

Musk did use Tesla’s ideas for an electric car, but instead of implementing Edison’s outright deception, Musk named his electric car “Tesla”. The “Tesla” embodies Sun and Mercury-in-Cancer through the nurturing of Nikola’s name and Elon’s inventions; getting the ideas off the ground. Now Tesla’s name is on the lips of the purveyors of clean energy while Musk is carrying on a legacy that Tesla never could.

Venus in Gemini- The planet of love, beauty and the arts in the sign of communication, media, day-to-day travel and technology is pretty self-explanatory. He uses the media to communicate the art of technologically advanced day-to-day travel. He has an affinity towards technological advancement and communicates this through the crafting and design of new age rockets and electric cars. He is also a Cardinal sign. Which means there is duality and judgement in the communication of his affinities. Just as he is wealthy and successful, he is not without controversy and scandal. He was fired from Paypal by his own board, but received over 3 million dollars severance pay, and isn’t really taken seriously by NASA, who still offers their expertise on his project for space exploration. He also suffered recent backlash from his bizarre tweets while on Ambien, smoking weed during a Joe Rogan Experience podcast, and the multiple relationship problems with employees, girlfriends and wives, but is scared sick of being alone, which in the global media sense has affected his credibility and relegated him to “eccentric hippie“ status. In fact, the Avengers character Tony Stark is based on Elon Musk.

Mars in Aquarius — The planet of taking action, male energy, and pioneering endeavors is found in the sign of friendships, innovative thinking and goals and wishes when he was born. This is how he has initiated networking contacts from Boeing, TWA and NASA that helped him get innovative ideas off the ground, how he has invented and founded so many Projects that will further his cause and how he has had the passion and drive to continue his ingenious and renegade missions despite backlash and obstacles. His ideas may seem a bit eccentric to the ordinary mass market, but the forward thinkers, the movers and shakers of the 1% all have his back and are willing to back him reputationally if needed. This is part of the reason why he’s worth over 22 billion dollars today.

On a side note, all this leads one to wonder whether Elon Musk is already a time traveler. His mother is a twin and Elon has a set of twins and a set of triplets of his own. That said, Elon has a doppelgänger who is generationally around the age of a Great-Grandfather, named Raymond Collishaw. Raymond was a Canadian Naval Pilot hero, whose career spanned from WWI to WWII where he served in the Royal Naval Air Service in a wildly successful squadron that downed many Nazi pilots. (His career ended, coincidentally, in the same year that Nikola Tesla died) Leaving one to conclude that Collishaw’s love of flight continued with the time machine, where he possibly went back in time to salvage some of Tesla’s inventions that were stolen shortly before they could be confiscated and released them as Elon Musk. It is a large leap in suspension of disbelief, but the resemblance is uncanny, and the parallels of the love of flight (Musk’s Falcon 9 vs Collishaw’s Sopwith) and the hate of oppression is undeniable. Not to mention they are both Canadian citizens.

Would a psychic mind like Musk’s be able to perceive a parallel timeline created by time travel and attempt to recreate Tesla’s prototypes to the time machine?

“A lot of times the question is harder than the answer.” — Elon Musk.

Written by: Surreal Sista (slowflowportfolio@gmail.com)

Of TheVenusTwins365




The Venus Twins 365

Reading the human world through the Stars, Planets, Numbers, Astrology and Intergalactic more! email:thevenustwins365@gmail.com