BreakMe Writeup

10 min readAug 6, 2023


Break this secured system and grab the flags, if you can


Hello everyone , this is the official writeup of my first ctf challenge

this challenge is inspired by many ctf’s i solved on different platforms like THM , HTB and VULNHUB etc…

i would evaluate it as a medium challenge because it has some tasks that may be difficult for beginners , but it really depends on your skills and knowledge.

hope you try to to solve it before checking this detailed solution

and let’s dive in.


Starting up with our usual nmap scan

we discover two open tcp ports

nmap scan

as you can see we have ssh and http open:

22/tcp ssh

80/tcp http

Next i scanned those two services with aggressive mode

nmap aggressive san

This scan tells us that the target system is a Debian 11 using:

OPENSSH version 8.4p1 which is probably secure

HTTP : apache2 version 2.4.56 and confirms operating system Debian

I checked the http webpage

apache2 default page

we see the apache2 default page

i viewed the source code of it but i found Nothing.

website technologies

Checking Wappalyzer which is an extension used to view website technologies i found this!

website technologies

we can see that the website is using Wordpress 6.2.2 (latest version)

PHP and MySQL which is obvious.


I used ffuf (fuzzer) tool to see what files and directories are in this server


ffuf command

i found this

ffuf result

Wordpress directory and manual page of apache2

wordpress pages

i visited wordpress and found an interesting Breakme page

WP welcome page
Breakme page

it seems there’s nothing in here so i tried to login as admin

WP login

user admin is actualy found

then i used wpscan (wordpress scanning tool) to get more info

wpscan -u WP-URL


and i found some interesting stuff


Wordpress is using an outdated plguin called WP-DATA-ACCESS 5.3.5

i did some googling and discovered this CVE here


as you can see it’s a privilege escalation vuln , which allows to change user roles in wordpress by updating profile then changing wpda_role[] parameter with Enable role management setting on.

So i re-used wpscan to enumerate wordpress users, themes, plugins …

wpscan -u WP-URL — enumerate u at ap cb dbe


and found two users admin and bob


So my next my thoughts were like this:

we brute force bob’s (or admin) password , login , use the CVE to upgrade to administrator , get a foothold on the system

I tried to brute force bob and admin passwords using wpscan and i found bob’s password

wpscan -u WP-URL -U usenames-list -P passwords-list

bob’s wp password

And i logged as bob

bob on WP

as we can see bob is just an Subscribe so i thought it’s time to exploit that CVE


all what i had to do really was to setup burp intercept on , update the profile , add the wpda_role parameter to the POST request and forward the request

add wpda_role parameter

after forwarding the request bob’s account will change , and you’ll get and administrator panel

bob administrator

NOW it’s time to get a foothold on this machine


first i changed wordpress theme to “twentytwentyone” from Appearance

then i went to theme


then you’ll notice that the Appearance slide changes.

went to theme editor and on the right side i chose to edit 404.php file


as you can see i pasted my own reverse shell ( you must change IP and PORT to what suits you) found here

and setup a netcat listener

nc -lnvp PORT

and browsed to 404.php


finally got a foothold



user1 : john

Doing some basic checks i found three users: john and youcef

cat /etc/passwd


visiting their home directories


i wasn’t able to list youcef’s home

and john had an interesting folder “internal”

then i checked wp-config.php file


but that password wasn’t valid on any user.

so i decided to run linpeas


uploading it to the target machine , you can find it here


at first nothing seemed out of ordinary except an internal service on port 9999 which gives a hint that it is launched from john’s internal folder

http local service

so i used socat to port forward it , you can find it here


get socat uploaded on the target and forward the service

upload socat

./socat TCP-LISTEN:YOUR-PORT,fork,reuseaddr TCP:


then i ran nmap on the service and found that it’s a php server

php server

i checked the url and found

My Tools

it was an http service, looks like a user tools

checking the source code , nothing interesting there

so i start playing around with this inputs

Check Target

Check Target

it seems it’s using ping command with a -c 2 flag

Check User

Check User

didn’t really gave me a hint on what command is executing

Check File

check /etc/passwd

like check user , and it says invalid filename.

I ran some basic command injection checks like “;id” “&&id” “||id” ….etc

i found that it is filtering the inputs so tried bunch of characters to see which will survive on all three inputs and i got this in Check User

command injection
command injection

so i ran the following input since | is allowd

command injection

i guessed that it worked but it isn’t giving us the result

so it’s like a blind command injection

then i tried to connect a netcat listener

command injection

but it seems that “-” and spaces are filtered too

so i replaced space with “${IFS}” which is just an alternative

command injection

and it worked!

command injection

Now how can we use this to get a shell , i thought of uploading a php file using wget to avoid the filters

upload php revshell

and it is confirmed

upload php revshell

then i ran this reverse shell and entered as john

run the rshell
john access

i grabbed the first flag

john’s flag

user 2: youcef

i tried some basic command like sudo -l … nothing much

then checking youcef home directory i found this binary file and .ssh folder


it allows to read files content and it has SUID bit on so we can read files as youcef , i ran it


then test it on /etc/passwd


as you can see this is a hint to read id_rsa file with this binary


i couldn’t , i ran strings on readfile and get this


as you see , it’s using usleep function and we can’t read flag or id_rsa files

i tried to create a sym link to id_rsa and readit but couldn’t


so i started the race.


I wrote two simple python scripts which automate things for me

python scripts


import os,time

os.system("touch fakefile")
os.system("ln -sf /home/youcef/.ssh/id_rsa fakefile")
os.system("rm fakefile")


import os,time

os.system("/home/youcef/readfile fakefile>>/tmp/result")
i+=1 creates a fakefile , link it to id_rsa , and then delete it and does the same process again with sleeping for a 0.002 sec between commnds runs readfile binary on our fakefile and redirects the output to /tmp/result

i ran in background and quickly ran (to avoid openning another session as john)

exploit race condition

and it worked!


then copied ssh private key and started decrypting it

ssh private key
youcef access

got the second flag

second flag


now looking around to get root access, i ran sudo -l and found this

sudo -l


youcef can run this script as root with no password

running it , and testing some inputs

Python jail

After trying multiple input, it was filtered against malicious commands

googling on how to escape this type of jails i found this writeup

python jail escape

i tested these commands but non worked

python jail

So i started testing which python instruction is detected as Illegal Input

after some tests it seems lower() is also filtered

python jail

i searched for a replacement , and found one here

method casefolds() can be used as an alternative


I tried it instead of lower() in the previous input

Still it outputs that Illegal Input

I tried those basic commands and more but non worked for me , then found this yorick program in /usr/bin/


googling yorick gave me this


it’s an interpreted programming language used for scientific stuff

and the good this is it has a system function which allows to run commands on the target

/usr/bin/yorick didn’t work for (it’s a symbolic link) so i tested the real path of the binary

yorick path
root flag

running yorick , then executing commands with system function allowed me to get root shell and fully compromise the machine and get the final flag.


Finally, i hope you enjoyed this challenge and learned some new things , if you ever faced any problem or found a way in other than the intended way please contact me here



