Microsoft Stock Price is at Record High, but This Metric Indicates It Could Blast Upward in 2024

The Viral Investor
3 min readJan 4, 2024


Microsoft (MSFT) is a current tech darling.

Source: Google

What makes MSFT so interesting is how one of my favorite stock price predictor metrics is so tightly correlated with MSFT’s stock price.

Compare the 5-year stock price chart and website traffic chart trajectory patterns. They’re almost identical.

PLEASE NOTE: The website traffic pattern I use, which I’ve found to be most closely correlated to many stock prices.

A historic example of MSFT website traffic predicting stock price

Compare that to the stock price

As you can see, after MSFTs traffic spike, the price receded as well.

Enough of the history, what about recently? The recent traffic numbers are looking very good compared to 2022.

MSFT Website Traffic Year-Over-Year 2022 to 2023

Big traffic jumps in recent months.

It’s not surprising given MSFT pretty much primed to make an utter killing in AI with it’s $10 billion investment in OpenAI.

What does this mean?

Website traffic patterns indicate higher stock price in the next few months.

As always, website traffic is not the be-all and end-all of stock price movements. It’s merely one variable of many. This does give rise to looking further into MSFT as an investment.

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DISCLAIMER: Always do your own due diligence before investing. I am not a licensed adviser. This email newsletter is merely information pertaining to various publicly traded companies.

WEBSITE TRAFFIC DATA DISCLAIMER: All traffic data is an approximation. It’s pretty good but not perfect. I’ve relied on this type of data for my own publishing company and it’s been sufficiently reliable to glean trends and therefore I consider it a useful metric as PART of the analysis for publicly traded companies.



The Viral Investor

I have a unique way of analyzing companies. Real-time data. Plus, I own a web publishing + ecommerce company. Investor. MBA.