Great Expectations By Charles Dickens-My Thoughts

The Volatile Brain
2 min readMar 31, 2020


Summary: Great Expectations by Charles Dickens tells the story of Pip, a young boy who grows up and learns many valuable life lessons about himself and others.

This novel reminds me of a movie which I saw years ago: Boyhood. I agree to the fact that both of these are set in different times and situations. The experiences that the main characters go through are different. But at the core, both the movie and the book convey the same thing: the journey and the growth of an individual as he ages from a young boy to a man. These are the type of stories we all can relate with. Obviously, not all of us would experience bizarre situations like Pip, the protagonist, who meets a run-away convict in the first chapter. All of us go through various incidents, starting from our childhood, which makes us into the person we are today. But still, we are always accountable for the type of person we become. As the choices we make consequently shapes our “future-self”. This book also has its foundation set on these fundamentals. The person Pip evolves into, is totally contingent on the type of people he meets, the incidents that take place in his life and the critical decisions he has to make at every point of life. The story has been told from a first-person perspective of the protagonist. Overall, the book is a delight to read.

