ACCA’s Role in India’s Finance Transformation: A Look into the Future

6 min readDec 6, 2023


India is witnessing rapid economic growth, with an increasingly globalized and digital economy. This transformation requires finance professionals who can provide strategic guidance and ensure good financial health. Chartered accountancy has long been a prestigious and sought-after profession in India. However, the traditional CA program faces criticism for not fully preparing accountants for the modern business world. This creates opportunities for alternative qualifications like ACCA to meet the country’s evolving needs.

ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) is a leading international accountancy qualification focused on professional skills and practical experience. By earning an ACCA certification, accountants gain the strategic vision and technical expertise to drive business success in today’s complex, global financial landscape. India produces the second highest number of ACCA members globally. An estimated 130,000 students are currently pursuing ACCA, with 30% growth annually. This proves strong demand locally exists for the dynamic skillset ACCA accountants possess.

Let’s explore how ACCA-qualified finance professionals can shape India’s financial future across public and private sectors. It covers key growth areas like governance, reporting standards, SMPs, and technology where ACCA members can positively impact economic development. Insights from local ACCA practitioners and experts demonstrate real career pathways to leadership roles. By supporting India’s finance transformation, ACCA aims to accelerate equitable nation-wide growth.

Driving Good Governance and Financial Health

Finance leaders trained in ACCA’s Governance, Risk and Ethics module understand risk management, transparency reporting and ethical compliance. These competencies are essential for good corporate governance, financial integrity and public trust in institutions. India’s outdated governance frameworks are linked to issues like weak accountability, financial crime and lack of transparency.

ACCA qualified professionals have an opportunity to champion reforms in audit, reporting standards and compliance norms for improved governance. Pushkaraj Koshti, Head Partner of Pune-based audit firm MARS practices believes: “ACCA’s code of ethics and focus on transparency is vital for strengthening governance mechanisms locally. Qualified accountants must apply ethical mindsets to enable accountability.” By driving higher governance standards across Indian private and public sector organizations, finance leaders can catalyze more robust, equitable growth nationally.

Higher Order Skills for SMPs’ Emerging Needs

Small and Medium Practices (SMPs) constitute over 80% of audit firms nationally, serving vital SME clients central to job creation. However, India’s traditional accounting education often does not cover key areas like innovative services, digital solutions and specialized advisory needed for SMP relevance. As a global SMP-focused program, ACCA equips members with precisely this expertise consistent with IAESB international education standards.

Areas covered include corporate advisory, integrated reporting, tax consultancy, insolvency services, cybersecurity and cloud tech. BK Goenka, Chairman of visionary tech-focused ACCA SMP firm RPG Goenka & Associates shares: “ACCA gives SMPs tools to become all-round advisors for India’s SME sector. Domain specialization and technology utilization is essential to serve clients better and empower MSME-led growth.”

Upgrading SMP capabilities and services through ACCA training supports the sector’s advancement and sustained success. This is vital for dynamic small business clients who prefer local touchpoints and rely on SMP guidance to achieve scale.

Spearheading New Reporting Frameworks and Standards

Quality financial information and reporting promotes transparency for investors, regulators and stakeholders. This underpins effective decision making and governance nationally. However, India follows outdated reporting systems that foster opacity. Lack of high quality disclosures also hinders the country’s capital markets expansion.

ACCA professionals are advocating Integrated Reporting (IR) adoption which holistically captures all types of value creation. Samuel Johnkutty, Financial Controller at Carborundum Universal Limited and ACCA member notes: “Integrated Reporting aligns with India’s need for ESG disclosures amidst growing ethical investments. By championing IR, finance leaders can shape capital allocation and corporate accountability.”

As India works towards new accounting standards convergence with IFRS, ACCAs on ICAI committees are providing pivotal technical inputs. Their expertise in complex IFRS standards ensures smooth migration protecting investor interests. ACCA also partners with key regulators like SEBI for enhancing compliance and reporting norms. Through such collaborative efforts between policymakers and ACCA experts, India can craft a world-class financial reporting ecosystem.

Spearheading Technology and Analytics Advancement

Rapid technology disruption is transforming finance operations and decision making. To capitalize on emerging innovations like AI, blockchain, data analytics for value creation, the function needs new-age tech skills. As per Deloitte’s 2023 CFO survey, 96% of India’s finance leaders plan to increase technology investment over 3 years. However, lack of qualified talent often hinders technology integration plans locally.

With cutting-edge future-focused modules covering digital tools, ACCA nurtures technology proficient finance strategists needed for data-backed planning. Divya Vij, a Lead Business Analyst with Amazon India’s finance division notes: “ACCA covers niche areas like data mining techniques. Such skills empower me to leverage analytics for strategic forecasting and planning for India’s growth plans.”

Besides frontline roles, Indian businesses need a robust talent pipeline at higher levels leading technology transformation projects. Leadership-focused ACCA programs equip senior members with expertise to steer major tech implementations as Heads of Innovation. By bridging India’s digital finance skills gap, ACCA professionals are playing a pivotal role in technology led competitive advantage.

Charting Career Growth Pathways to CFO

The CFO role is evolving from number crunching to boardroom leadership driving overall strategy. As strategic priorities like global expansion, digital transformation and sustainable value creation gain prominence, India needs a new brand of CFOs. An ACCA qualification serves as strong foundation in this journey to the C-suite.

ACCA’s emphasis on communications, strategic thinking and leadership grooms members for dynamic CFO responsibilities. Santosh Balaji D, Head Finance at information services giant Experian’s India Business believes: “ACCA covers all rounded capabilities now needed to lead with business acumen as a modern CFO.”

Mid-career learning opportunities also enable experienced finance professionals to upskill as CFOs. Options like the AFM CFO qualification help ACCA members specialize in skills like investor relations for CXO roles. Such pathways highlight ACCA’s real-world relevance in achieving career advancement locally. Ultimately, nurturing multi-skilled strategic CFOs boosts financial stewardship across India’s public and private sector.

Accelerating Equitable Growth

As India continues fast-paced economic development, ACCA plays an invaluable role. ACCA professionals are well equipped to shape governance reforms, spearhead reporting standards convergence, upgrade SMP capabilities and champion technology adoption for strategic edge. Such contributions have a multiplier effect, fostering transparency, accountability, innovation and balanced growth nationally.

By unleashing their expertise across sectors to solve complex challenges, ACCA members are helping build a resilient financial ecosystem. This supports equitable progress aligned to national priorities like job creation, sustainable industrialization and MSME advancement. With the future pointing to more emerging roles for finance driving ESG frameworks, economic policies and smart technologies, ACCA intends to continue collaborating closely. The ultimate aim is to nurture skilled, ethical finance professionals who power just, holistic development through strategic leadership.

The WallStreet School (TWSS)

At The WallStreet School (TWSS), we acknowledge the developing financial landscape in India and the rising demand for skilled finance professionals who can navigate this dynamic environment. The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) has emerged as a global qualification that outfits finance experts with the necessary tools to succeed in today’s intricate financial world.

Our pledge at TWSS is to empower finance professionals with the strategic vision and technical proficiency to thrive amidst this changing landscape. As an ACCA Gold Approved Learning Partner, we provide extensive ACCA courses that prepare you not just for the ACCA exams but also impart practical insights and real-world applications. Our industry-leading faculty, with backgrounds at eminent firms like McKinsey, Deloitte, and Goldman Sachs, ensures you receive supreme quality education.

By opting for TWSS for your ACCA journey, you’ll benefit from our adaptable learning options, including classroom courses and online programs. We comprehend the significance of balancing your career and education, which is why we offer online investment banking classes, permitting you to pursue your ACCA qualification while advancing your professional journey.

Furthermore, our commitment to your success reaches beyond the classroom. We provide placement assistance with deferred tuition fees, simulate job interviews with prospective employers, and offer strategic study guides to ensure you’re well-primed for your ACCA exams.

At TWSS we also provide tailored finance and accounting training to corporations, assisting them in staying competitive in today’s continuously evolving financial markets.

If you are prepared to embark on a journey towards becoming an ACCA-certified finance expert and unlocking abundant opportunities, The WallStreet School is here to guide you every step of the way. Visit our website at or call us at +919953729651 to learn more and take the first step towards a thriving financial career.

