Why A Stint In The Military Can Help Shape A Young Person For Life!

The Wealthy Veteran
2 min readAug 1, 2023


The military provides young people with the opportunity to grow into well-rounded and disciplined individuals who can maximize their potential and achieve a successful life. Joining the military can give young people the chance to have a meaningful career, serve their country, and expand their life experiences which will help them to become the best version of themselves.

Young people have the chance to learn invaluable hard and soft skills that are important to succeed in the military and any career. Military members are instilled with solid values of loyalty, courage, and integrity. They also learn the importance of dependability and commitment which they will be able to apply to their lives after they leave the military. Furthermore, the skills they develop during their service can be translated to other areas such as problem solving, critical thinking, and communication, providing numerous job opportunities after they leave the military.

Additionally, joining the military gives young people the chance to develop meaningful relationships with those who have had similar experiences and serve with the same sense of purpose. Many of these friendships last a lifetime and provide mutual growth and support as veterans navigate their lives after service. Joining the military can also be beneficial for building self-confidence and self-discipline. It requires dedication and grit to embark on such a demanding journey, yet there are also rewards of pride and accomplishment after reaching any personal and service milestones.

The military also provides the chance to travel and experience the world in ways that the average person may not be able to. During their service, soldiers are often sent to different areas of the world, providing them with unique cultures to explore and adapt to. These experiences offer opportunities to gain perspective on different lifestyles and can broaden a person’s understanding of the world they live in. It can expose them to new values and ideals that make them more open-minded and enlightened.

The military can be life-changing for young people and provide numerous benefits that will help them to become the best version of themselves. With its strong emphasis on hard and soft skills, developing meaningful connections, and building character, joining the military can give someone a new sense of purpose and direction in life that will last into the future. Joining the military can be the stepping stone for a young person to maximize their potential and live a successful and meaningful life.

Written by Duane Aukerman of The Wealthy Veteran — 2023



The Wealthy Veteran

The Wealthy Veteran was created to bring the dream of entrepreneurship and wealth beyond imagination to every American Veteran through information.