7 Ideas To Have Adorable Pictures With Your Girl Gang On Your Wedding Cards

The Wedding Cards Online
3 min readMay 15, 2019


Remember how your best friend just listens to you at 2 AM in the morning when you finally have decided upon the colors of your Indian wedding cards? Or how she was there to decide upon the motifs to be used for Indian wedding invitations or the colors of your bridal attire or even the flowers for your bridal bouquet? For every perfect bride, there is a whole gang of her girl's best friends and sisters. Be it for taking the wedding preparations or to calm your wedding jitters before the “D-day” the whole girl gang is there for you. So don’t you think, for these “constant beauties” of your life, you also need to do something “special” to make them feel no different? How about getting them a special place in your wedding album? An album that carries the memories of the new beginnings of your life, they deserve a special place in it. So for this post, we bring you a few ideas in which you can pose for the pictures with your girl gang. So let’s get started:

Indian Wedding
  1. During wedding preparations: How about getting in some cool pajamas and just lying talking about the good old days before the wedding madness? You can capture some beautiful candids here and we are pretty sure the shots are too adorable to be put into words.
  2. Dress-up: We are talking about the girl gang here and we are pretty sure while growing up, you too have played dress-up with them. How about doing and having it captured as well? With this not only you can relive those childhood memories but also have some beautiful shots.
  3. Party-ready: Yes for this picture should say “we are ready for the best party of our lives”. Let your dress game be at-point with that sheer smile and some Instagram-worthy poses.
  4. 1…2…3…JUMP: if you’re all confused about how to have a “happy picture together”, don’t worry as all you need to do is to Jump. Yes, that will look good and you can actually go by “happily bouncing around”.
  5. With a sizzling entrance: your girl gang has been there throughout. So how about having some pictures clicked while making the entrance for your new journey? Make a grand entry to your wedding ceremony with your girl squad and get some beautiful clicks.
  6. Hugs and kisses: Yes, your Instagram has probably filled with these pictures already, but you know it is special every time. So if you’re all confused and fussing over how to get good pictures with your girl gang, this is one good option.
  7. Like a “BOSS”: You two have each other’s back for so long. You two even have fought for each other. So, how about have that pose where you two wore shades and bring out those swag-on pictures.
Designer Indian Wedding Invitation

If you have a picture of “bride and groom” engraved on your wedding cards, you can follow the same theme and have the pictures with your girl gang engraved on the Thank you cards for your guests too. We hope with these ideas, you have some adorable memories clicked with the girl squad that you can cherish in your wedding album for a lifetime.

The Online Wedding Cards URL- https://www.theweddingcardsonline.com/

