Pax 2 looks sexy and it’s functional

Why everybody loves Pax 2

The Weed Stash
1 min readJun 3, 2016

Originally published at The Weed Stash Blog

Pax 2 is The Vaporizer, eberybody knows that, ok. But, is just a hype or is it actually so good you should expend almost 300$ on it?

Well, that depends of your economic situation, moral values and a big list of reasons we don’t really care at TWS. But we are going to give you a list of pros (that we care about) explaining why Pax 2 is such a cool device.

  • 10 years warranty: to me that means the builders of Pax are pretty confident about it’s durability.
  • incredible features in a portable vaporizer. Includes Party mode and other hidden games.
  • Battery last longer that other vaporizers, it get’s warmer in less than a minute and it’s lighter than a mobile phone.
  • The reason why Pax is so popular (among it’s apple inspired design) it’s the most important one: the taste. Pax is famous because it’s technology allows the user to enjoy the cannabis vapour in a more intense way than many other devices.

Check this video review from the Vape Critic if you want to know more about Pax 2.

Now is time for you to think ;)

