The Key to Decision-Making: Weighing the Pros ✅ and Cons ❎

Coffee Break
7 min readOct 22, 2023


One of the most popular decision-making tools is applicable to almost any decision.

🤯 When faced with difficult choices, it’s easy to get stuck in a cycle of overthinking and feeling unsure about what to do next. This is known as “ANALYSIS PARALYSIS”, “OVER-CHOICE”, or “CHOICE OVERLOAD”, which is a cognitive challenge that makes it hard for people to decide when presented with numerous possibilities.

Understanding this phenomenon can help you simplify your decision-making process and avoid feeling bogged down by too many choices.

🤔 With the right tools, you can avoid wasting time and gain the confidence to make the right decision for you.

Overcoming Information Overload: Simplifying Decision-Making in the Face of Choice Overload 🤯

One of the biggest challenges we face when making decisions is the overwhelming number of options and information that come with each choice.

According to social scientist Barry Schwartz’s research, having too many choices and information can make us feel like the stakes are higher than they really are when it comes to the outcome of our decision.

In fact, even simple tasks like buying toothpaste can seem more significant than they really are due to the overload of options and data.

On the other hand, rushing to make a decision without considering all the aspects and alternatives can also lead to poor outcomes. It’s important to strike a balance between thorough analysis and efficient decision-making.

“Too many choices can overwhelm us and cause us to not choose at all.” — SHEENA IYENGAR

Unlocking Effective Time Management: The Crucial Role of Decision Making.

There is a direct connection between decision-making and time management because decision-making is an integral part of the process of managing time effectively. Effective time management requires making choices about how to use your time wisely, and these choices involve making decisions about what tasks to prioritize, what activities to focus on, and what goals to pursue.

The quality of your decisions can have a significant impact on your ability to manage your time effectively. Poor decisions can lead to wasted time, missed deadlines, and lost opportunities, while good decisions can help you to stay focused, motivated, and on track towards your goals.

By improving your decision-making skills, you can become more efficient and effective in managing your time. This includes using techniques like the pros and cons method to evaluate options, considering the long-term consequences of your decisions, and learning from past mistakes to make better choices in the future.

Improve Your Time Management Skills: Mastering Decision-Making with Pros ✅ and Cons ❎ Technique.

Many people struggle with decision-making and time management due to various reasons such as:

  • overthinking
  • lack of clarity on priorities
  • fear of missing out
  • difficulty in evaluating alternatives.

These struggles can result in wasted time, missed deadlines, and decreased productivity.

To improve your time management skills, it’s essential to work on your decision-making process.

One effective technique is the pros and cons method, which involves listing out the advantages and disadvantages of each option and evaluating them from various perspectives.

This approach allows you to consider different solutions and make the best possible choice based on the available information.

By using this method, you can simplify the decision-making process and avoid overthinking, while still making informed and effective decisions.

Decision making

Boost Your Productivity with the Pros and Cons Method for Task Management.

When it comes to task management, the pros and cons method can be a helpful way to evaluate different tasks and determine which ones are worth your time and effort.

To use the pros and cons method for task management, you can start by making a list of the tasks you need to complete. Then, for each task, you can list out the pros and cons of working on it.

The “pros” might include things like:

  • ✅ The task is important for achieving a specific goal or objective
  • ✅ Completing the task will lead to a sense of accomplishment
  • ✅ The task is interesting or enjoyable to work on

The “cons” might include things like:

  • ❎ The task is time-consuming and may take away from other important tasks
  • ❎ The task is complex or difficult and may require a lot of mental energy
  • ❎ The task is not directly related to your overall goals or priorities

By weighing the pros and cons of each task, you can prioritize your work and focus on the tasks that will have the biggest impact on your goals.

Additionally, this method can help you identify tasks that may not be worth your time, allowing you to delegate them to others or eliminate them from your to-do list altogether.

Pros and cons method

How to use the Pros ✅ and Cons ❎ technique?

When making a decision or choice, it’s typical to consider the Pros and cons. Considering what are the perceived advantages and disadvantages?

Weighing up the pros and cons helps you avoid getting stuck.

This technique also encourages you to approach your decision objectively, methodically and logically without letting your intuition take over your decision-making.

These are typically captured on the document or via table.

  • Write the decision you have to make at the top of a sheet of paper, or if you’re using the table, place it at the top (see example below)
  • Place on the left side of the document label Cons and the right side of the document Pros
  • List out pros and cons for the decision or choice or the problem you’re attempting to resolve
  • For each pro add a score of 1–5, with 5 being the best possible outcome.
  • For each ‘con’ add a score of 1–5, with 5 representing the worst consequence.
  • After adding a total score at the bottom of each column, subtract the total ‘con’ score from the total ‘pro’ score.
  • A positive score indicates that you should proceed with the decision, while a negative one suggests scraping it.

Using Pros and Cons to Improve Time Management: A Practical Example.

Let’s say you have a big project due in a few weeks, but you also have several other smaller tasks that need to be done in the meantime. You have to decide whether to focus solely on the big project or to divide your time and attention between the big project and the smaller tasks.

Using the pros and cons technique, you can create a list of the advantages and disadvantages of each option. For example:

Pros of focusing solely on the big project:

Cons of focusing solely on the big project:

  • ❎ You may not be able to devote as much time and attention to the big project, potentially producing lower-quality results.
  • ❎ You may feel stretched thin and unable to fully focus on any one task.

Cons of focusing solely on the big project:

  • ❎ Other tasks may pile up and become overwhelming.
  • ❎ You may miss important deadlines for the smaller tasks.
  • ❎ You may feel burnt out or lose motivation by focusing too much on one thing.

Pros of dividing your time between the big project and smaller tasks:

  • ✅ You can make progress on multiple fronts, which can help you feel more productive.
  • ✅ You may prevent other tasks from piling up and becoming overwhelming.
  • ✅ You can still meet important deadlines for the smaller tasks.

Cons of dividing your time between the big project and smaller tasks:

  • ❎ You may not be able to devote as much time and attention to the big project, potentially producing lower-quality results.
  • ❎ You may feel stretched thin and unable to fully focus on any one task.

By weighing these pros and cons, you can make an informed decision about how to allocate your time and resources.

The pros and cons technique is also known as the “Ben Franklin Method” because Benjamin Franklin was known to use this technique to make important decisions in his personal and professional life. He would create two columns on a piece of paper, one for pros and one for cons, and list all the advantages and disadvantages of a decision.


When you’re struggling with a lack of time, it’s essential to consider your decision-making process because it directly affects your time management. The pros and cons method can help you make better decisions and manage your time more effectively.

Try using the pros and cons method for your next decision and see how it improves your time management.

Share your thoughts in the comments. How confident are you in your decision-making skills, and what tools do you use to make decisions?



Coffee Break

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