Horror Story #4: The Black Cat

4 min readMay 4, 2023
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It was a dark and stormy night when Emily first encountered the black cat. She was walking home from her late shift at the diner, hurrying through the rain, when she saw the cat huddled under a tree. Emily was a cat lover, and she felt a pang of pity for the creature as she saw it shivering in the downpour.

As Emily approached the cat, it looked up at her with bright, green eyes. Emily reached down to pet it, but as her hand touched its fur, she felt a strange sensation, as if something had crawled under her skin. She recoiled in horror, stumbling backward into a puddle. The cat hissed at her, its eyes glinting in the dark.

For the rest of the week, Emily couldn’t shake the feeling that she was being watched. She would catch glimpses of the black cat out of the corner of her eye, lurking in the shadows. Sometimes, she would hear a faint, sinister purring coming from the darkness.

Emily tried to tell herself that it was just her imagination, but the feeling of unease persisted. One night, as she was getting ready for bed, she saw the black cat sitting outside her window, staring at her with those bright, green eyes. She screamed and slammed the window shut, but the cat’s piercing stare remained burned in her mind.

From that moment on, Emily was plagued by nightmares. In her dreams, she would see the black cat…




Caffeine-addicted writer. I write about everything this incredible world has to offer us 😍📝 (mostly about relationships, psychology, actuality 😉)