How to make cannabis edibles — The We Store

4 min readDec 18, 2021


There are many ways to get cannabis. Every pot enthusiast knows this. There are many options for how to enjoy cannabis delivery, including smoking, vaping, and topical and concentrated applications. The fastest-growing category of marijuana edibles is perhaps weed edibles.

Although cannabis edibles have been around for many decades, they have seen huge growth since legalization. We don’t expect that trend to change anytime soon. Edibles can be described as food products that contain THC.

They are perfect for those who want to try cannabis edibles, or even for people who have been using them for a long time.

You can now enjoy the cannabinoid-rich benefits of edible cannabis once you have learned how to make them. This article will teach you how to cook with marijuana and give you details about why it is so great.

The benefits of Marijuana

There are many benefits to cannabis that go beyond the intoxicating and euphoric effects. Although THC can create a feeling of high, marijuana also contains other cannabinoids which provide relaxing, anti-inflammatory, and soothing effects. There are many reasons people learn how to make marijuana edibles. You can use edibles to make pot for therapeutic or recreational purposes.

You can bake with marijuana if you know how. You feel more impact from multiple compounds than you would from anyone. A combination of THC and non-psychoactive cannabis cannabinoids such as CBD, CBG, or CBN can give you a more holistic, well-rounded high.

Incredible Popularity of Weed Edibles

Let’s look at some steps that go into making marijuana edibles. The active cannabinoids such as THC or CBD can be extracted from butter, oil, and sugar. THC is a binder with fats so butter and oil are ideal carriers for this compound.

When you learn how to make cannabis edibles, remember THC is a completely different experience than smoking it. It takes edibles a while to kick in, particularly compared to other faster methods. Keep your hands busy and patient while you wait. The effects of eating an edible can last longer once you feel them. The effects can last up to eight hours.

Marijuana Dispensary

How to Cook with Weed

You can make simple edibles. It doesn’t have to be difficult to cook with marijuana. There is more to edibles than simply sprinkling flowers on your favorite recipe.

Choose a strain that you like with high potency. Follow these simple steps. In no time, you’ll be able to cook with marijuana.

Cookie sheet
Parchment paper
Mixing spoon
Cannabis grinder
Food processor
Cheesecloth, nut milk bags, or tightly woven kitchen towels
Large pot or saucepan
Large bowl
Glass jar
Your favorite dried cannabis strain
Two butter sticks
Cannabutter recipe

Cannabis delivery in Windsor

You can grind your cannabis to a fine texture. This will make it much easier to make edible weed.

You can decarb your marijuana. This is an essential step in making weed edibles. If you don’t decarb your cannabis, it can’t get you high. Pre-heat the oven to 240oF. Place the ground cannabis on parchment paper lined cookie sheets. Make sure that it is not over-spread. To activate the THC, bake for between 30–40 minutes

Take the tray out and let your weed cool completely.

Blend your toasted cannabis with a food processor until it is coarsely ground.

Boil four cups water, then add two butter sticks. Stir until butter is fully melted.

Mix in your cannabis. Allow the mixture to simmer on low heat for 3 hours, or until it thickens at the top. The flower should be at least 2 inches above the bottom of your pot. Add more water if the flower starts to fall below this level.

Line the large bowl with cheesecloth, then pour the butter-cannabis-water mix into the cloth to strain it. You can now squeeze the cloth to remove any water and collect the infused butter.

Let the butter cool for at least an hour before transferring it to a glass jar for storage. The mixture should be kept in the refrigerator until it becomes spreadable. You can then use the mix as part of How to Make Edibles.


You can now bake with marijuana-infused cannabutter. You can use it in all kinds of recipes. It can be used in the same way as butter. This easy method will allow you to create simple edibles whenever and wherever you like.

You can also buy medical marijuana edibles online from Canada through dispensaries like Just Cannabis. You’ll also find us on Leafly and Weed List. Even faster delivery is possible in Vancouver with our weed edibles. You can find your favorite marijuana edibles in Canada at our cannabis shop.




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