The Science of Self-Care: 5 Neurological Hacks for Busy Schedules🧠💻

Shesh Iyer
4 min readFeb 16, 2023

Self-care is crucial for maintaining good physical and mental health, but it can be challenging to find time for it in a busy schedule. In this article, we’ll discuss five tips and apps that can help you prioritise self-care and make time for it in your daily routine.

“Self-care is not a luxury, it’s a necessity. Take care of yourself first so that you can take care of others effectively.” — Unknown

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in the demands of work, family, and social life, leaving little time for self-care. This can lead to burnout, stress, and a decline in overall health and well-being.

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in the demands of work, family, and social life, leaving little time for self-care. This can lead to burnout, stress, and a decline in overall health and well-being.

Three Major Challenges:

  1. Lack of Time: With so much on our plates, it can be challenging to find time for self-care.
  2. Guilt: Many of us feel guilty for taking time for ourselves, feeling like we should be using that time for something more productive.
  3. Overwhelm: It can be overwhelming to know where to start with self-care, leaving many people unsure of what to do.

Failing to prioritise self-care can have serious consequences for our health and well-being, including burnout, chronic stress, and physical and mental health issues.

Here are five tips for prioritising self-care in a busy schedule:

Schedule it in: Treat self-care like any other appointment and schedule it into your calendar. This will help you stay accountable and ensure that you make time for it.

Schedule it in: Treat self-care like any other appointment and schedule it into your calendar. This will help you stay accountable and ensure that you make time for it.

Start small: Don’t feel like you need to make drastic changes overnight. Start with small, achievable goals and build from there.

Start small: Don’t feel like you need to make drastic changes overnight. Start with small, achievable goals and build from there.

Choose activities you enjoy: Self-care doesn’t have to be a chore. Find activities that you genuinely enjoy and that help you relax and recharge.

Choose activities you enjoy: Self-care doesn’t have to be a chore. Find activities that you genuinely enjoy and that help you relax and recharge.

Use apps to help: There are many apps available that can help you prioritise self-care, such as Head space for meditation and Calm for stress reduction.

Use apps to help: There are many apps available that can help you prioritise self-care, such as Head space for meditation and Calm for stress reduction.

Get support: Don’t be afraid to reach out for support from friends, family, or a professional if you’re struggling to make self-care a priority.

Get support: Don’t be afraid to reach out for support from friends, family, or a professional if you’re struggling to make self-care a priority.

At Wholydrops, we believe that self-care is crucial for maintaining good health and well-being. Our products, which include adaptogenic and functional mushrooms, can help support the body and mind in times of stress, allowing you to feel your best.


  1. Research shows that even small acts of self-care can have significant benefits for our mental and physical health.
  2. Prioritising self-care can improve our ability to handle stress and increase our resilience.
  3. Making time for self-care can help us feel more in control of our lives and improve our overall sense of well-being.

About the Author:
I am a de-occultist, a truth-seeker,
I peel back illusions, to reveal the real
A neo-shaman, I dance with fire,
And call upon ancient powers, to heal.

An aspiring mycologist,
I study The secrets of the spores,
Wisdom lies in fungi,
I discover And unlock ancient doors.

A consciousness-hacker,
I delve deep Into the unknown,
Exploring the mind’s depths,
I keep Making the hidden, shown.

A Web3 builder, I shape the digital realm
Weaving technology’s threads,
I build a world, at the helm
Leaving the past, in its steads.

I am a seeker, a builder, a hacker Of mind and technology
I dare to dream, and make it a reality, That’s my destiny.


#thoughtfullthursday #SelfCare #Wholydrops



Shesh Iyer

De-occultist, seeker, shaman, mycologist, hacker, builder, dreamer, I shape reality.