Knowing the type of writer you are (10 TYPES OF WRITERS)

Abigail B.
2 min readNov 8, 2023


In the world of writing, there are many different kinds of writers, and each one brings something unique to the table. After reading, let me know in the comment below the type of writer you are. Let’s go!

1️⃣ Creative Writers: These folks are like word artists, they create beautiful stories and poems that captivate our hearts and souls.

2️⃣ Content Writers: They create online content, like blog posts and articles, making information easy to find and understand.

3️⃣ Researchers: These writers dig into complex topics, making them simpler to grasp and share.

4️⃣ Storytellers: They convey us to several worlds with their tales, making us feel like part of the story.

5️⃣ Thought Leaders: These writers make us think about important issues; they also encourage meaningful conversations.

I am the *Wise writer *

6️⃣ Journalists: They keep us informed by reporting news and events from around the world.

7️⃣ Technical Writers: They create user-friendly guides and instructions, helping us use software and gadgets with ease.

8️⃣ Copywriters: These are masters of persuasion! They use words to inspire us to buy products or support causes.

9️⃣ Social Media Writers: They craft posts and captions that engage and entertain us on platforms like Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, and Instagram.

🔟 Academic Writers: These writers dive deep into research. Hence, they share knowledge and insights in textbooks and scholarly articles.

Writers have many ways with which they contribute to culture, business, knowledge and impact; they are able to convey our thought patterns and processes via writing 🖋️✨

#Writers #DiversityMatters #WordsHavePower



Abigail B.

I create product-centric content for Tech Brands and B2B SaaS | Creative content writer | Long-form content and guides | Social Media content writer ✍️