101 Hook Ideas to Use According to ChatGPT (If you want to grab people’s attention)

The Work at Home Blogger
11 min readApr 13, 2024


These are attention-grabbing hook examples according to ChatGPT you can use for your targeted audience.

A Photo by Kasia Derenda on Unsplash

A hook point is a method used to catch something. For example, bait is used to catch a fish. It’s used in fishing, but metaphorically also in marketing.

Knowing how to use an effective hook point in marketing is crucial for every business whether online or offline.

It is what makes a business succeed in a short attention span world. To stand out and grab attention, a compelling hook is key.

In this blog post, I will discuss what is a hook point and how it can be used in your marketing strategy. And, this is according to ChatGPT.

Table of Contents

· Why Use a Hook Point?
The Difference Between a Clickbait and a Hook Point
How I Learned About Hook Points
Examples of a Compelling Hook Point (According to ChatGPT):
Examples of Effective Hook Points
How to Apply it in Your Writing:
101 Hook Points Ideas to Use According to ChatGPT (If you want to go viral)
Final Thoughts

Photo by Thomas Park on Unsplash

Why Use a Hook Point?

We live in a 3-second digital world where we have a short attention span, and our attention span is getting shorter. So, businesses want to grab our attention, they need to use effective hooks.

Otherwise, we are just going to keep scrolling.

The Difference Between a Clickbait and a Hook Point

There is a huge difference between a clickbait and a hookpoint. Both do grab attention. However, the delivery and outcome are completely different.

A clickbait only uses a catchy headline that delivers nothing in the end.

However, with a hook point, it does provide an actual offer (value) and delivers it. It does make true on the promise.

The hook + bait (content)= offer

In copywriting this works so well with the HSO formula which means “hook+solution=offer”.

How I Learned About Hook Points

I got an email from Audible offering me a free 30-day deal, so I took it.

I started listening to this amazing audiobook on Audible named “Hook Point” by Brendan Kane. *affiliate link

I found this book so interesting that I learned so much about short attention spans.

And, how the internet and social media have bombarded us with so much information that our attention span keeps getting shorter and shorter.

The overload of information has made us a scroller instead of a reader. We prefer videos instead of actual reading.

And, thanks to TikTok, we now prefer short videos.

And, sometimes we listen to argue instead of listening to think. We rarely use our critical analytical skills.

I don’t even think we use our comprehension skills anymore. Maybe I am wrong.

Correct me if I am wrong. Leave a comment if I am wrong or your opinion about this.

This is why hook points in marketing have become extremely successful. It can be anything that could make us stop scrolling and think “Wait. What?”

Examples of a Compelling Hook Point (According to ChatGPT):

These hook points can be used in landing pages, social media, emails, newsletters, videos, and blog posts.

Sometimes, we see hook points in billboards, newspapers, magazines, and TV commercials, and of course, we find them in a radio ad.

Close to where I lived, there is a huge billboard ad from a dental office that offers dental implants as a service.

You should see the image.

Rotten teeth. Eww!

The hook point can be anything from visuals, audio, or anything in writing.

So, the billboard ad image of the rotten teeth is the hook point.

Excellent hook point. It got me thinking of caring more about my teeth.

So, I started looking for a dental school for affordable dental services.

As you can see, the hook point worked somehow.

Thank goodness, I don’t need implants. Those services are not cheap.

Examples of Effective Hook Points

  1. “Don’t Make This Mistake With Your Savings!” — This hook plays on fear and curiosity. It compels the audience to find out more to avoid a potential mistake.
  2. “How I Turned $100 into $10,000 in 30 Days” — This uses intrigue and the promise of value. It suggests a secret to success that the audience can learn.
  3. “What Big Tech Doesn’t Want You to Know” — This hook combines curiosity with a hint of conspiracy, appealing to those wary of large corporations.
  4. “Unlock Your Brain’s Hidden Power with This Simple Trick” — It promises value and taps into the universal desire for self-improvement.
  5. “Why Every Successful Person Wakes Up at 5 AM” — This suggests a direct correlation between a simple action and success, making the audience curious about the lifestyle of successful people.
  6. “The Secret Ingredient to Happiness That Only 1% Know About” — This plays on exclusivity and the desire to be in the know.

Here is a brief explanation of Hook Point and how to use it, according to ChatGPT:

Understanding Hook Points

In “Hook Point: How to Stand Out in a 3-Second World,” Brendan Kane emphasizes the critical importance of hook points — a compelling message or concept that grabs attention within the first few seconds of engagement. In a digital landscape crowded with content, standing out becomes crucial. Kane suggests that to be successful, whether in marketing, content creation, or digital branding, one must master the art of the hook point. It’s about making an immediate impact that piques curiosity and encourages further engagement.

The Essence of a Hook Point

A hook point typically combines uniqueness, relevance, and immediacy. It leverages human psychology and common desires, such as the need for connection, curiosity, and the fear of missing out (FOMO), to create a compelling reason for the audience to pay attention.

Strategies for Creating Effective Hook Points

Know Your Audience: Deeply understand who you’re talking to. What are their interests, pain points, and desires? A hook point that resonates on a personal level is more likely to be effective.

Simplicity is Key: Your message should be concise and easy to understand. Complexity often leads to disengagement, especially in the first few seconds.

Leverage Emotions: Emotionally charged content — whether it makes someone laugh, cry, or feel inspired — is more memorable and shareable.

Surprise Your Audience: People pay attention to what surprises them. An unexpected angle or an unusual perspective can make your content stand out.

Use Visuals Strategically: In a world dominated by scrolling, an arresting visual can be a powerful hook point. It could be a striking image, an intriguing thumbnail, or a captivating first frame of a video.

Start with a Question or Controversy: Questions engage the mind, and controversy sparks interest. Both strategies can compel the audience to seek answers or understand more.

One of the important facts I learned so far ( I haven’t finished the book yet) is never to confuse a hook point with a clickbait.

Clickbait is not only a thing of the past. It’s also ineffective.

And, hook points are not click baits. Hook points are always useful as long as we deliver the promised outcome to the targeted audience.

Here is an article I found about 7 Tips for Writing Attention-Grabbing Hooks:


How to Apply it in Your Writing:

When writing for your targeted audience, focus on their struggles and aspirations. Use hook points that resonate with their emotions.

This will allow you to connect with them on a deeper level and gain their trust because you understand their pain point.

Make them feel heard.

Empathize, Inspire, and give them exclusive offers and insights to make them feel special (such as tips and free resources that are not easily available on the internet).

The hook point is more than just attention-grabbers.

It leads the path to building connections with your specific audience and encourages trust and engagement.

Integrate storytelling, using compelling emotions to connect with your audience. It will make the audience pause, engage, and want more of what you offer.

101 Hook Points Ideas to Use According to ChatGPT (If you want to go viral)

I wanted to know more about hook points so I went to ChatGPT and asked for more information about the topic. It also gave me a summary of the book.

I am still listening to the book. I highly recommend it if you haven’t done so.

Here are the 101 hook points ideas you can use for your business.

I copied and pasted the response.

ChatGPT response:

You’re welcome to use, share, or even sell the ideas I provide here as part of your content strategy or as a lead magnet for your readers. It’s great to see such proactive approaches to offering value! Here are 101 hook point ideas that you can adapt for virtually any niche or business:

1. “Unlock the Secret to [Desired Outcome] in Just [Timeframe]!”
2. “Why Everything You Know About [Topic] Is Wrong”
3. “The [Number] Mistakes Everyone Makes With [Topic]”
4. “How to [Achieve Something] While You Sleep”
5. “[Do Something] Like a Pro in Less Than [Timeframe]”
6. “The Ultimate Guide to [Mastering Something]”
7. “What [Experts] Don’t Tell You About [Topic]”
8. “Transform Your [Aspect] in [Timeframe] Without [Common Obstacle]”
9. “[Number] Hacks to Simplify Your [Aspect of Life/Business]”
10. “Why [Topic] Is the Key to Your Success”
11. “The [Number]-Minute Trick to [Achieve Desired Outcome]”
12. “Avoid These [Number] [Topic] Blunders”
13. “[Number] Secrets to [Achieve Something] Revealed!”
14. “How I [Achieved Result] in [Timeframe] and How You Can Too”
15. “The [Number] Rules Every [Audience] Needs to Know”
16. “Breaking: The Latest [Industry] Trends Revealed”
17. “Why [Topic] Is More Important Than Ever”
18. “[Number] Ways to Beat [Common Problem]”
19. “The Truth Behind [Controversial Topic]”
20. “How to Turn [Common Problem] into [Desired Outcome]”
21. “[Number] Myths About [Topic] Busted!”
22. “Exclusive: Insider Tips for [Achieving Specific Goal]”
23. “The [Number] Most Effective Tactics for [Desired Outcome]”
24. “How to Make [Task] Easier/Faster/Better”
25. “[Number] Things [Audience] Should Know by [Timeframe/Event]”
26. “The Step-by-Step Guide to [Complex Process]”
27. “The Future of [Topic/Industry]: What You Need to Know”
28. “Master [Skill] in [Number] Easy Steps”
29. “[Number] [Topic] Trends That Will Take Over [Year]”
30. “How to Overcome [Obstacle] and Thrive”
31. “The [Number]-Second Rule to [Achieve Something]”
32. “What No One Tells You About [Topic]”
33. “The Ultimate Cheat Sheet on [Topic]”
34. “The [Topic] Revolution: What It Means for You”
35. “How to Leverage [Trend/Tool] for [Goal]”
36. “[Number] Little-Known Tips for [Achieving Specific Outcome]”
37. “[Number] Reasons Why [Your Product/Service] Beats the Competition”
38. “The Beginner’s Guide to Becoming a [Role] in [Industry]”
39. “How to [Achieve Goal] Without [Common Solution]”
40. “[Number] [Industry] Secrets Exposed!”
41. “Why [Topic] Will Change the Way You [Task/Activity]”
42. “The Only [Product/Strategy] You’ll Ever Need”
43. “How [Topic] Can Help You Achieve [Desired Outcome]”
44. “[Number] Game-Changing [Products/Strategies] for [Year]”
45. “The [Number] Best [Products/Methods] for [Specific Need]”
46. “[Number] [Topic] Tips Every [Audience] Needs”
47. “How to [Achieve Desired Outcome] Before [Timeframe/Event]”
48. “The [Number] Most Common [Topic] Mistakes”
49. “[Number] [Topic] Ideas That Will [Benefit]”
50. “The Definitive Guide to [Solving a Problem]”
51. “How to Beat [Competitor] at [Topic]”
52. “[Number] [Topic] Formulas That Always Work”
53. “The [Number] Elements of a Successful [Topic]”
54. “Why You’re Failing at [Topic]”
55. “How to Hack Your [Aspect of Life/Business] for Better [Result]”
56. “[Number] Surprising Facts About [Topic]”
57. “The [Topic]: What It Is and Why It Matters”
58. “The Complete [Topic] Strategy That Works Every Time”
59. “How to Fix [Common Problem] Once and For All”
60. “The Power of [Concept]: How It Can [Benefit]”
61. “The [Number] Pillars of [Topic] Success”
62. “[Number] [Topic] Tricks That Will [Benefit]”
63. “Why [Topic] Is Your Best Bet for

[Desired Outcome]”
64. “How to Use [Topic] to [Achieve Specific Goal]”
65. “[Number] Things Only [Specific Audience] Understand About [Topic]”
66. “[Number] [Topic] Facts You Need to Know Now”
67. “How to Build a [Topic] You Can Be Proud Of”
68. “The Anatomy of a Perfect [Topic]”
69. “The [Number] [Topic] Commandments”
70. “The Unconventional Guide to [Topic]”
71. “[Number] [Topic] Mistakes That Could [Negative Outcome]”
72. “How to [Achieve Something] Without Breaking a Sweat”
73. “[Number] [Topic] Strategies for a [Desired Outcome]”
74. “The Secret to [Achieving Desired Outcome] Faster”
75. “Why [Topic] Fails and How to Avoid It”
76. “The [Topic] Blueprint for [Audience]”
77. “How to Turn Your [Topic] Around in [Timeframe]”
78. “[Number] [Topic] Solutions for [Common Problem]”
79. “[Number] Reasons [Topic] Is Worth Your Time”
80. “The [Topic] Dilemma: A Comprehensive Guide”
81. “How [Influential Person] Succeeds with [Topic]”
82. “The [Topic] Hack That [Industry Leader] Swears By”
83. “Why [Topic] Is the Key to [Achieving Specific Goal]”
84. “The [Topic] Method: A Step-by-Step Guide”
85. “[Number] Proven Methods to Improve Your [Topic]”
86. “The [Number] Best Kept Secrets of [Topic]”
87. “How to [Achieve Desired Outcome] Like [Famous Person/Company]”
88. “The End of [Problem]: How [Solution] Changes Everything”
89. “Why [Topic] Matters More Than You Think”
90. “[Number] Signs You Need to Invest in [Topic]”
91. “The [Topic] Challenge: [Timeframe] to [Desired Outcome]”
92. “How to Master [Topic] in [Number] Simple Steps”
93. “[Number] [Topic] Tips to Transform Your [Aspect of Life/Business]”
94. “The Surprising Impact of [Topic] on [Aspect]”
95. “The [Topic] Survival Guide for [Audience]”
96. “How to [Achieve Desired Outcome] with Minimal [Common Requirement]”
97. “Why [Solution] Beats [Alternative] Every Time”
98. “The Truth About [Topic] in [Year]”
99. “How to Overcome [Obstacle] with [Solution]”
100. “[Number] [Topic] Strategies That Are Proven to Work”
101. “Why [Topic] Will Be the Next Big Thing in [Year]”


Feel free to adapt these ideas to fit the unique context and needs of your audience or business niche. They’re designed to be versatile and can be customized to suit a wide range of topics and industries. Whether you choose to give them away as a free resource or incorporate them into a paid offering, they can serve as a valuable tool for engaging your audience and enhancing your content strategy.

Final Thoughts

A hook point is a tactic used in marketing for attention-grabbing. It’s a technique when used correctly, the outcome causes effective results. For example, a lead sign-up, a purchase, engaging in a blog post, and much more.

Hooks lead the way in building a connection with your audience. You gain their trust because a hook uses emotions to connect.

It’s why storytelling is effective when it comes to using hooks. It uses compelling emotions that captivate the readers.

You make your audience feel heard when you empathize with their pain point. Your hook resonates with your audience’s emotions, and your offer solves that same pain point.

A hook can be used in visuals, audio, and any written content such as landing pages, emails, newspapers, billboards, or blog posts.

By learning how to use hooks that are efficient and compelling in your business, your audience will trust you and engage with you.

And, your business will succeed in the end.

Thanks for reading!



The Work at Home Blogger

Blogger and Affiliate marketer. Helping online newbies learn about affiliate marketing. FREE AFFILIATE MARKETING COURSE https://beacons.ai/theworkathomeblogger