Civilians on Both Sides are Pawns Caught Between Israel and Hamas

The World's "Happiest" Medium
4 min readJan 22, 2024


As the conflict between Israel and Hamas rages in the Middle East, a war of words and opinions continues around the world. People square off against each other for moral superiority as they try to frame who has committed the worst atrocities to win their arguments.

The sad truth is this philosophical debate accomplishes little. In reality, civilians on both sides have suffered greatly, trapped in a sick chess game they have no control over. No matter which side you support, the loss of life is horrifying and continues.

Middle East Minefield

Post-World War II, the Western World decided to muck about in the affairs of the Middle East on a new level. The creation of Israel as a home country for Jewish people resulted in the people who lived there being marginalized and forced into life under apartheid.

Not everyone agrees with this assessment, though. Pro-Israel groups fight back against this narrative, claiming the so-called apartheid-like living conditions are blown out of proportion. Pro-Palestine groups say it’s ten times worse and that the Palestinians are living in open-air prisons.

After the Hamas attack on October 7, 2023, the whole thing shifted into a new gear. In response to Israel’s continued oppression and occupation of the Palestinian people, Hamas committed an act of terrorism against them. It was truly horrible. Anyone who excuses this needs to jam a bastard in it.

While Israel is laying waste to Gaza, the court of public opinion around the world is firmly against Israel’s actions. Like any other country, Israel can and should defend itself. But beating up an “enemy” that is largely incapable of defending itself seems rather unfair.

The World War for Moral Superiority

As a general rule, the state of relations between Israel and Palestine is fodder for talking news head debates and endless politician soundbites. Since October 7, this impotent posturing and incoherent yammering has become an endless, insufferable stream.

People are constantly jumping online, spouting off their half-baked opinions on social media and poorly thought-out blog posts. I can’t imagine why that example came to my mind. There is no shortage of comments on this problem, very little of it being helpful or remotely accurate.

These conversations are not about solving the problem or helping people caught up in it. The whole point is just to prove they are right. If you don’t agree with Israel, you get called an anti-Semite. If you don’t agree with Palestine, you’re a colonizer, Islamophobe, or worse.

Whether they are television personalities, politicians, or online randos, not one of these people is willing to propose a real solution. It’s all a battle for moral superiority that largely ignores the battle of actual human lives happening on the ground.

What’s Really Happening

Simply put, both sides are wrong. Hamas is not a legitimate governing body. It is a terrorist organization that is essentially using Palestinian civilians as pawns in their game. What they did on Oct 7 was wrong. So are so many of the horrible acts they have done over the years.

At the same time, the Israeli government hasn’t exactly treated the Palestinians with any amount of respect or dignity since the country was formed. Defending your country is one thing but what they have done to the Palestinians has not been self-defence. It has been oppression.

This battle between Hamas and Israel is costing real lives on both sides. Civilians who just want to live are dying and will continue to die until a real solution can be sorted out. Step one is the fighting needs to stop. Israel has made its point. Step two is Hamas needs to be permanently ended. Step three is both sides treating each other like human beings.

Yeah, none of that is easy. It will take a lot of work, a lot of talking, and a lot of compromises from all sides. But it needs to happen. What would help is for everyone who isn’t directly involved to shut up. Less talking news heads and political posturing pretty much makes anything better.

