Unleashing the Thrill of Spontaneous Claims for World Holders

The Worldwide Token
4 min readJul 29, 2023

Dear crypto enthusiasts,

Today, we are excited to introduce you to an extraordinary experience that will take your journey into the world of cryptocurrencies to new heights. Allow us to present the sensational Worldwide Events DAPP — your gateway to a world of exhilarating surprises and rewards!

Non exhaustive list. More assets added regularly.

World Events DAPP offers you the unique privilege of claiming a variety of different cryptocurrencies at regular intervals. The participation fee is a mere 1$ in $WORLD (which is fully vaporized after payment), serving as a token utility right from its launch. The primary purpose of these exclusive events is to enable $World holders to claim their share of TOP 100 Cryptocurrencies regularly.

User wallet is connected.

Join the Thrilling Ride

To become a part of this electrifying journey, all you need to do is hold a set amount of World tokens and pay a nominal 1$ in $World fee. That’s it! You’re now strapped in for an adrenaline-fueled ride filled with excitement and incredible rewards. These captivating events last for an entire 24 hours, ensuring you have ample time to claim those special goodies.

In the above instance user does not own World and needs to acquire $World before proceeding.

As a participant, you must have $WORLD tokens, ensuring a fair and rewarding experience for all. Estimated rewards per event are a minimum of 30'000$ per event in the said asset. You’ll have 24 hours to claim your percentage of the cryptocurrency in question, and the token claim amount is automatically configured with a D-1 snapshot of holders at 00:00 UTC.

In the above instance the holder can proceed to pay the 1$ World nominal fee.

The Buzzing Community

Picture yourself as a cherished member of a buzzing community, eagerly counting down the moments until the next event kicks off. The anticipation, the thrill, and the chance to acquire top cryptocurrencies, all in one place, create an atmosphere of unparalleled excitement. It’s like being at the front row of a mind-blowing concert, except instead of merely enjoying the music, you get to earn awesome rewards.

In the above instance the holder has paid the nominal fee and is awaiting the event to debute.

Elevate Your Crypto Journey

World Events DAPP takes your crypto journey to a whole new level. Not only do you get the chance to hold World tokens, but you also get to actively participate in these extraordinary events that bring surprises and rewards right to your doorstep.

In the above instance the holder can proceed to claim the World Event Asset.

Claim Your Precious Rewards

Prepare yourself to claim those special rewards that await you. Don’t miss out on the 24-hour window of pure excitement, and seize the opportunity to add some top cryptocurrencies to your growing portfolio.

The primary purpose of these exclusive events is to enable World holders to claim their share of TOP 100 Cryptocurrencies regularly. As a participant, you must have $WORLD tokens, ensuring a fair and rewarding experience for all. Co-Founder & COO — Yamap

A World of Adventure Awaits

Are you ready to embark on an extraordinary adventure of spontaneous claims and unforgettable surprises? Gear up to become part of the Worldwide Events DAPP community, where each event brings you closer to a world-class crypto reward. Don’t miss out on this exceptional opportunity to elevate your crypto journey and be part of an exciting world of surprises.

Welcome to the World Events DAPP — your thrilling passport to an extraordinary crypto adventure!

About Worldwide Token

Worldwide Token (WORLD) is a revolutionary Multi Asset Revenue Sharing Protocol built on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). Led by Founder & CEO Daniel Prado and Co-Founder & COO Yamap, the project aims to redefine the DeFi space by providing unparalleled earning potential and opportunities for its community.

Join the Worldwide Token Community

To learn more about Worldwide Token and join its vibrant community, visit the official website at www.theworldwidetoken.com and follow the protocol on Twitter @WorldwideToken.

Disclaimer: This press release is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as financial or investment advice. Always conduct thorough research and consult with financial advisors before making any investment decisions.

Website: www.theworldwidetoken.com Twitter: @WORLDWIDE_TOKEN

Daniel Prado, Mrs Worldwide, Yamap

