The Wriggler’s identity revealed: A chaos Worm with a mission to “go faster”

The Worm NFT
5 min readJun 24, 2022


Plot Twist: The Worm NFT’s Worm-napper has shown itself to be ANOTHER Worm NFT!?! And maybe its brother!?!

Backstory: A mysterious entity known as The Wriggler Worm-napped The Worm on Saturday, June 18

A mysterious entity known as The Wriggler was able to obtain The Worm NFT by joining a Pact. They were supposed to send it along to @meuleman_eth but instead sent it to a Smart Contract.

They then made cryptic posts on Twitter and Discord. You can catch up on the Worm-napping, The Wriggler’s posts, and the community’s investigation of The Wriggler in our previous post: Who is The Wriggler and what are they doing with The Worm?

The Wriggler wanted a Yoink by noon on Wednesday

It became clear that The Wriggler wanted the team behind The Worm NFT to Yoink The Worm. Yoink is a superpower of The Worm — it allows the creative team behind The Worm to “Yoink” aka extract The Worm NFT from a wallet in case it gets stuck. The Worm gained Yoink ability after it was stuck in a scammer’s wallet for a month.

The team behind The Worm ( communicated to The Wriggler on Twitter and Discord that they were unable to Yoink The Worm. They left the private keys safe and sound at home while they are in NYC with BIG WORM (The Worm’s IRL mascot) for NFT NYC:

However, The Wriggler didn’t care. They posted these messages on Twitter and gave a Yoink Deadline of noon on Wednesday, June 22:

Yoink likely wouldn’t have worked

As explained in our previous article, Smart Contract sleuths were able to read some of the Solidity code for the Smart Contract where The Wriggler had sent The Worm. It seemed to be preventing the Yoink function from working. Consensus among the detectives on the case is that the Yoink function won’t work even if it’s used. The clue in The Wriggler’s Tweet that it wants “a simple yoink() and its failure” seems to confirm this.

A countdown started at

With these Tweets The Wriggler also introduced for the first time This website that mimics the official The Worm website and showed a countdown to the noon Wednesday Yoink Deadline.

a screenshot of the wriggler website showing a countdown as it looked 11 hours before the Yoink deadline.

Meuleman attempted a clever Yoink

The Yoink function in The Worm NFT’s contract only works when called by its owners, But due to how the Ethereum blockchain works anyone is free to try to do the Yoink.

All you need to do is visit The Worm’s Smart Contract on Etherscan, select the “Contract” tab, press the “Write Contract” button, sign in via Metamask, and press the “Write” button in the “Yoink” section:

Anyone can try to Yoink The Worm by pressing the “write” button under the “yoink” header. But, it only works when the contract owner does it (which is the Ambition team).

To free The Worm and get it moving again, Meuleman attempted a Yoink. Before the Worm-napping The Wriggler had promised to send The Worm to Meuleman.

Meuleman pressed the “Write” button, paid the gas, and as expected the Yoink failed. But technically, he had given The Wriggler what it wanted:

However, The Wriggler did not agree:

The “special hand” surely refers to the Ambition team and how they must be the ones to Yoink.

The lines “expect the next in queue, which I did sever” and “you may see how you fit the plan” seems to indicate Meuleman has now been roped into all this.

The Yoink Deadline was missed, and The Wriggler revealed itself

Wednesday at noon came and went without a yoink. And that’s when The Wriggler revealed itself:


The Wriggler Tweeted that they had sent The Worm to Meuleman afterall! A LIE!

Instead of The Worm, Meulman received THE WRIGGLER! Can’t say he was very excited about it:

a screenshot of meuleman posting “ugh” in a Discord server

And so now we know the true identity of The Wriggler: The Wriggler is a NEW NFT that looks like The Worm but in full chaos mode with devil horns, a devilish expression, and flipped to be looking backward (presumably on the chaos it has caused) rather than forward like the still-trapped Worm.

Meuleman — who had been expecting The Wriggler to send him The Worm before The Wriggler defected and Worm-napped it — received The Wriggler instead

Additionally countdown ended and what looks like a Wriggler trail called “The Cult of The Wriggler” appeared. It reveals that The Wriggler’s mission is the same as The Worm’s: “to visit every wallet on the Ethereum blockchain” BUT that it wants to do so “Faster than my brother ever could.” My brother here almost certainly refers to The Worm!

The Wriggler also posted yet another riddle:

This seems to indicate that the code of The Wriggler NFT’s contract or the Smart Contract where The Worm is stuck (or both) will hold some clues. But, we can’t see them because they are unverified and therefore encoded on Etherscan. They just look like this gibberish:

The Wriggler still wants a Yoink! It’s probably coming soon

If The Worm NFT’s account is “The chicken” and Yoink is “the road” it seems that The Worm’s creators must cross the road by attempting a Yoink. The earliest that they can do that is Saturday when they are back from the NFT NYC conference.

Until then, assume that The Wriggler NFT will sit tight in Meuleman’s wallet, hopefully not yet unleashing its promised “misery and horror.”

Stay tuned…

Help Solve The Wriggler’s Riddles and Get The Worm Back on Track

Have some leads? Ideas? Help us solve the riddle and get The Worm back on track by following it on Twitter at @TheWormNFT and joining the Ambition Discord server.

Praise Be! and Pray for The Worm’s swift escape🪱 🙏 .



The Worm NFT

The Worm is the 1st Social NFT gathering followers on the ETH blockchain. Step 1: Obtain The Worm NFT then pass it to another wallet. Step 2: Receive blessings.