Self Discovery Through Motherhood

Sade’ Norwood
2 min readOct 8, 2019


My daughter has helped me find myself . You may say that’s silly. How could a toddler guide you through the complicated journey of self discovery? Well, she in moreways than one has been a reflector to remind me of what was lost . Me! She reminded me so much of myself . Artistic, imaginative, curious, and honest to a fault . At that age, you’re not consumed by how you are suppose to act , or look. You are just unapologetically you . With age, we lose the beauty in the rawness of ourselves. We are always finding ways to change, but mask it as an improvement or betterment of self. Don’t get me wrong, if you are not maturing and or evolving throughout life then you are defeating the purpose of life. But, only if the evolution is by choice and not to please others ideals of who or what you should be. Like the judgements and scows from the forced ambitions of our parents. Popularity on social media and approval from peers. Toddlers are unmarred from societies petite boxes of identity, financial status, really their caste system to constantly make you feel inadequate and dissatisfied.

​In the presence of my child, life is carefree, fun, and fantastical. Though I terrifyingly fear that I will indirectly scar her with one too many happy meals or the one moment I don’t have time to play with Barbies — it would spin into a need for the wrong type of attention . Despite my fears, she brings vibrance to my life. She reminds me to view life from a different lens. She forces me to take full advantage of each moment, and brought me back to the truest and purest form of myself. It took my own blood to see myself for the first time.

Sade’ Norwood

