The Writing Loop
4 min readJun 27, 2020

Talent Share — A Social Media Application by Mark-Fly Ventures

‘A Dream’ — Developing An Application Only for Talent sharing.

Let’s get in deep to know more about Akshay Sharma and his venture, Mark-Fly.

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Akshay Sharma, A Writer and an Entrepreneur, shares his story with 'The Writing Loop Team’ on how he developed various applications and Softwares, under his own firm, Mark-Fly Ventures.

His two year old company, which he calls a start-up has made Softwares on Billing Automation, as of now. However, Mark-Fly Ventures gained many clients and provided them services such as: Website developing, Website designing, Video Making, and Digital marketing.

Akshay Sharma was keen on getting investors for developing ‘ERP Solutions’ at the early stages, but he could not find anyone to invest, so he decided to invest from his own earnings. That was only possible by selling personal belongings from his asset, which he never regrets! He aims to complete the ERP Software by the end of this year, 2020.

Marking to the fullest potential, Mark-Fly Ventures is now interested in selling Billing Automation Softwares, and ERP solutions at the first place, followed by the services of Website development and designing.

He already had summed up the planning to grow his company for the next two years. Which is a great move.

Fortunately being from an engineering background, he is an electrical and electronics engineer, who had worked 6 years prior to starting his own venture. He feels, somewhere his Engineering experience is counting him to be more optimistic in development of various projects.

Akshay’s Dream — A TALENT SHARE Application, which is yet to be named.

His New Talent sharing application is designed for everyone, including students to professionals. This application would be an Identity of a person, who can share his/her technical insights.

The Application Would have:

  2. Following & Followers sub division.
  3. Categories to select — Space science, Aeronautical, Engineering skills, Science projects, Writing & Reading, Medical Studies, Automobile, General, Arts, Crafts, and others.
  4. Regular posting options, with written format, (Photos/ videos) — he/she can share his talent through Writeups, videos or images by selecting the category in which they are posting. (i.e. creating a technical identity of a person.)
  5. Most of the features are free of cost, except the Category locking system, which would be chargeable after 6 months of operation.

After getting the details about this upcoming product of Mark-Fly Ventures, We have understood that, definitely it is the team’s dream. Amit Aryan the developer, is keen on making it happen for Markfly.

He’s someone who has a great experience by working for an Australian client for several years, and now he is working with Mark-Fly Ventures to bring the best of his Talent. Amit and Akshay have been closely monitoring the recent trend in developing various applications.

Akshay has also shared his young developers and video editors, Suresh and vijay, who works for the team tirelessly. They’ve been a backbone until now.

Mark-Fly wanted to have this Talent sharing website and application since they first operated, the main purpose what Akshay shares is,

“The youth these days, are choosing a wrong path by letting education down, and by creating unwanted videos to get famous, however if they really want to get famous, then why not choose education? Let’s create videos related to technical background and get the fame they want. As per the survey, youths these days, just want to get famous, they don’t care what medium, they even don’t care if they know to act or not. Still they try the wrong method, leaving education behind. This particular application will give them a ray of hope to develop various projects on their own and post it, and so it will inspire others to follow the same” said Akshay.

He also told us that, “Final year Projects are used only for once and thrown after the viva is over, just imagine if they upload the same project here, it might turn someone to take it up and create a patent fot the same. Well, anything can happen!’ says Akshay…

The writing loop team, wishes Mark-Fly Ventures, a great success in developing this Talent Sharing Application. And we hope it will be downloaded in millions and then in billions. ❤️✌️🙌

Let’s get to know more about this application after its launched. Until then, keep working on various projects and keep innovating, people!

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