From Weight Loss to Heart Boss: Seniors, Reclaim Your Vitality!

Chris Jones
3 min readApr 10, 2024


Imagine flipping the ageing process on its head. Think of your age increasing each year as an increase in energy, a stronger beat, a brighter you. A fanciful idea? Not at all, in fact it’s closer to being real than you might think. For many seniors, the road to renewed vitality begins with twin paths of vigour: weight loss and heart health. But before you groan ‘diets and treadmills’ let me cut you off. This road? It leads to joy, energy, the chance to reclaim your buzz.

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The Heart of the Problem

The older we get, the more inevitable it all seems: weight gain of course, the tiredness of the heart, the slowing down of the energy. That’s the story we’re used to being told. And, here is the twist: this is not the only story we can choose. ‘But it’s hard at my age.’ Yes, it can be, but could anything worth doing be easy? Especially if it’s incredibly worthwhile, like becoming your own heart boss.

The Vitality Blueprint

1) Listen To Your Beat:Your personal health situation can help orient you. A visit to your doctor lays that out once and for all: here’s where you are, right now — here’s how to move forward safely from here.

2. Eat to the Beat: Food is not fuel, but it is beat. It is choosing the songs that make your ticker boogie — a diet rich in produce, lean proteins and whole grains; and then, sometimes, we dance a little jig to the beat of a slice of sheet cake.

3. Get Your Body Grooving: As for exercise, be it strolling, swanning, swimming or swaying à la Jane Fonda, pick a type you can stick with, and stick with it.

4. Drink Lots of Water: Think of water as the beat of the music. It helps your body in many ways; all your cells need hydration to make you feel more energised and help you lose weight.

5. Cast of thousands: No one said you need to go it alone. Find friends, family, or others willing to work through this process with you. You learn from and with each other, celebrate with each other, and, when you need it, each other will get you.

Overcoming the “Buts” and “What Ifs”

Fear of failing? It’s the white noise we all live with. But remember, for every step you take now is a step away from that you were yesterday. Not every day is going to be perfect and that’s okay. Progress, not perfection is the goal.

The Final Note: Your Time to Shine

Imagine a day when you wake up light in your loafers, and lighter in your soul — a day when gerascence joins geronotitis in the retirement home of diseases. Imagine that your elders aren’t a cautionary tale of becoming but, instead are wearing their vigour like a badge of honour. This is not some future pipe-dream ditty — this is a song with a single note, one we start to play today.

Let’s Start the Music

You cannot change from weight loss to becoming the boss of your heart without a concert in between. Every little change, every note, is part of your heart song. Are you willing to take the conductor’s baton, show your heart how to beat strong and fast? The stage is set, the audience is waiting, and your heart is ready to start this show. Make your golden years your golden-est years yet.

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