Meet our CEO — Jack Parsons

Youth Group
2 min readJan 6, 2020

Where to begin with Jack?

A mug he often enjoys sipping tea out of in the office names Jack the “Kindness CEO” — and that’s quite the apt description. It helps him to remember that one of his most important values upon which he prides himself is his kindness. It also helps him to remember that his kindness is what has got him where he is, and what allows him to achieve his goals.

Jack has been a successful young entrepreneur for years now, leaving YourFeed in 2017 to set up The Youth Group in 2018, and he most likely would not have got this far had he not relied on his kindness and passion for helping people.

In addition to being an entrepreneur for many years, Jack has also done some other truly impressive things. He’s won many awards — including Most Connected Young Entrepreneur (2017, 2018 & 2019), he’s gone from having speech therapy until the age of 8 to being a highly sought-after public speaker — whilst still suffering from dyslexia! Jack is also the official Special Advisor on Youth to a variety of organisations, including charity-based and governmental — and some overseas, in countries such as New Zealand. Of course, it also can’t go without being mentioned that Jack overcomes his own mental health struggles daily, using this experience to encourage others to seek help and offer his own advice wherever possible!

There are likely many who would question Jack’s highly ambitious aims in terms of some of the projected numbers he has planned out with The Youth Group. Despite this, not only is he confident that the team we’ve been building will enable and assist him to achieve these goals, but we ourselves are also confident that our glorious leader knows what he’s talking about! Of course, his faith in us to achieve these numbers does also give us a high level of confidence in our own abilities too, which is nice!

Jack is a young adult, passionate about other young adults — and ensuring that others don’t have to be alone in facing the struggles and hardships that we often hear about — and his passion is something which has really helped to bring his communities together, particularly the one growing right here in the heart of The Youth Group.



Youth Group

UK’s largest youth verification network, creating opportunities for young people aged 18–30 through our platforms youth space® and youth verified®.