The main benefits of relaxation

Youth Group
3 min readMar 13, 2020

Everyone loves to relax; it makes us all feel good. But many of us lead such busy lives that we constantly feel that we have no time to relax, causing us to have many problems we didn’t realize we are creating for ourselves.

It can be difficult to find time to relax during these busy lives, luckily, we’ve already had a bunch of ideas on our blog about how to relax at your workplace. Many of these can be applied to situations outside of work too, so give them a try.

But why is it so important to relax? Well, relaxation has major benefits in three key areas: our bodies, our minds, and our emotions.

Here are just some of the wonderful things a little bit of relaxation can do for you.


Taking steps to relax yourself can have a powerful impact on your body. Becoming less stressed will help to slow down your heart rate, which in turn helps to lower your blood pressure and increase the flow of blood around your body. Your blood sugar levels are also likely to balance out when relaxing. Relaxing also slows down your respiration rate, aiding with digestion and slowing your breathing.

Relaxation can have a beneficial effect on your muscles, as more blood flows through them helping to reduce tension. This helps ease muscle pain and is especially helpful for those who suffer from long term chronic pain conditions.


As well as increasing blood flow around the rest of your body, relaxation importantly gets the blood pumping around your brain, benefiting your mind. Unsurprising, this increased brain function can help to reduce feelings of stress as well as anxiety. It can also importantly help ease feelings of depression. Relaxation really is key to coping with mental illness.

As well as helping to combat mental issues, relaxation is helpful in fixing your bad sleep. Relaxing helps you to better conserve your energy, meaning that you can use your energy when you need it and feel less fatigued during the day. This means that you can control your sleep patterns by helping your body wake up when it needs to be alert, and rest when it needs to be sleeping.


Easing your mind with relaxation doesn’t just help with mental well being and sleep, it also has a positive effect on your emotions. Relaxation is great for calming you down and reducing feelings of anger and frustration, allowing you to see things in a more positive and happy light, which is helpful if you’ve been having a bad day.

Calming your emotions down with relaxation can also help to improve your confidence going into stressful situations as you’ll be able to think more clearly and handle the problem in front of you. for this reason, using relaxation in conjunction with coping exercises can help you deal with any situations or emotional problems you usually struggle with.

Relaxation is so important for all of us to lead happy and healthy lives. Never forget to take time out every day to relax and revitalize your mind, your body and your emotions.



Youth Group

UK’s largest youth verification network, creating opportunities for young people aged 18–30 through our platforms youth space® and youth verified®.