An Agent’s Library: 8 books that inspired how I guide actors through the entertainment industry

Zach Gray
8 min readJul 31, 2023
Photo by Clarisse Meyer on Unsplash

Despite never receiving my BA in Agenting from the prestigious East West School of Agenting in North Hollywood, I’ve worked at a talent agency for over a decade. Learning how to “agent” isn’t something taught in schools and most of the educational process is through firsthand experience. I find every agent’s backstory incredibly refreshing because agents (and those in the representation field) all have a different journey to the same destination.

Throughout my career, I’ve worked alongside agents who once were casting directors, PAs, producers, baristas, publicists, lawyers, bakers, flight attendants and, of course, actors who all found their own unique way into representation.

And while each background shapes their entry into representation, continuing education is essential to growing as an agent. As an avid reader, I turned to literature to help shape my perspective and process for advising clients from both a creative and business perspective. What I found was that a lot of these books also had applicable perspectives to help actors in their career journey as well. Here are eight books that helped shape my own knowledge of the entertainment industry and provided business insight on how to help actors stand out from the crowd while avoiding professional…



Zach Gray

TV/Film agent representing actors. Chicagoan in LA. Fan of reading, Letterboxd and the Chicago Cubs. Love helping actors and all things TV/Movies!