Theresa Winn
Aug 27, 2023


How I deeply feel this. Once in awhile I'll have a glimpse of normalcy, then my port scar catches my eye if my shirt shifts. And of course, that's nothing compared to scars being where my breasts once were.
So yeah. When hear of another friends.. including FB friends, my anxiety cranks up. Was is cancer? What stage? Let's compare my doctor given stats on recurrence! I may calm myself for a moment then I hear of a woman full of cancer one year after treatment and being declared cancer free. I simply must not open the door. Im getting better at it but I truly wonder if I will even be the pre-cancer Theresa.
Here's to staying cancer free my friend!



Theresa Winn

Certified Life Coach & Spiritual Director, Breast Cancer Survivor- I cover topics with a dash of humor: Gray Divorce, Breast Cancer, and Spirituality.