I Asked For a Sign From My Recently Deceased Friend

Theresa Winn
5 min readNov 23, 2022

Might She Appear Like My Brother Did?

I am fresh out of chemo as my sparse eyebrows can bear witness. Melanie looks the picture of health but we knew better.

My dead brother came for a visit. I hear a knock at the back door and there he is. He steps into the laundry room, arms open wide. We hug. I cry. “It’s been so long,” I tell him. Almost 13 years.

I cry some more. And then I wake up and wipe away tears.

It was so real. So. Real.

My joy over seeing him quickly clouds over with fear.

I am one of the 1 in 8 women who are told they have breast cancer. I am in the midst of testing and biopsies to determine the extent of the disease.

Doing what I do best, overthinking, I reflect on my brother’s appearance in my dream.

My God. Is this a portent of my imminent death? Is my brother doing a death angel thing like Andrew in “Touched by an Angel”?

For those not familiar with it, Touched by an Angel was a lovely TV series in the 90’s in which angels would show up as mere mortals to intervene in the affairs of folks who were about to face difficulty. Sometimes, it was to prepare for their death.

You always knew this twist when Andrew would show up in his white suit and sober smile.



Theresa Winn

Certified Life Coach & Spiritual Director, Breast Cancer Survivor- I cover topics with a dash of humor: Gray Divorce, Breast Cancer, and Spirituality.