I got a new con-rod

Thiago Hoeltgebaum
2 min readDec 23, 2022


A connecting rod, or con-rod for short, is every link that transforms linear into rotary movement in a machine. Usually, these machines are called slider-crank mechanisms and have several applications in mechanical engineering.

The slider-crank mechanism

But let’s cut to the chase, if you’re a gearhead just like me, you know that connecting rods are present in every reciprocating internal combustion engine. In other words, it is a car part!

Cross section of an engine

A connecting rod has interesting characteristics. It withstands high forces and temperatures coming from the piston, has to go up and down thousands of times per minute, and you most likely never change a connecting rod during the vehicle’s lifetime. As a curiosity, it has a funny name in Portuguese: Biela.

So, why did I need new con-rods if they were supposed to last forever? Simply because I’m not talking about a car part but a dog. Yes, after 33 years of age I finally managed to adopt a stray dog. She is lovely, full of energy, and I think she will fill our home with happiness.

She is a stray dog, rescued by NGO from my city.

Biela with 3 months old!

She is a stray dog, rescued and nurtured by NGO from my city. When we adopted her, she was about two months old and weighed 3kg. The vet expects her to reach up to 14kg, which is supposed to be medium size.

Anyway, she is loved by everybody around her, and I’m sure she loves every single one of us as well.

I wish you all a wonderful Christmas, see you next week.



Thiago Hoeltgebaum

Mechanical Engineer, passionate about cars, motorbikes and all sorts of mechanisms and machines! I am here to share some opinions and stories with you.