French-Alsatian Crêpe Recipe

Thiébaud /tebo/ Ernstberger
2 min readMay 27, 2019


Let’s get right to it, for this recipe you’ll need:

  • 1L of milk
  • 500g of all-purpose flour
  • 2 Tablespoons of sugar
  • 6 eggs
  • A splash of vanilla extract
  • A splash of calvados brandy (Any sweet liquor will work: rhum, salted caramel liquor…)
  • A stick of butter (To use on the frying pan)
  • 4 apples or pears


In a bowl, beat the flour and the eggs. Gradually add the milk and the other ingredients except the butter. Beat until smooth.

For the next step I personally use a special crepe pan ( but a regular frying pan will do the trick.

Heat your pan over medium-high heat for a few minutes. Add a little bit of butter, and tilt the pan with a circular motion so that the butter coats the whole surface.

Depending on the size of your pan ~1/4 cup should be enough for each crepe. Use the same circular motion when adding the crepe batter.

Cook until set, then use a spatula to turn the crepe and cook the other side.

Serve hot along side a jar of Nutella :)




Thiébaud /tebo/ Ernstberger

Walmart Developer Platform Externalization Lead for Walmart Global Tech on the Walmart Cloud Native Platform team.