How to stimulate creativity

Thierry N.Rutaremara
2 min readMay 11, 2017


So much of life is about exposure; ask yourself: Am I really exposing myself to information? Am I travelling enough, Am I gaining different exposure?Am I reading enough? Am I talking to people about different fields? Am researching enough in the things I am passionate and love? Am I reading about other areas? Pick up a book on philosophy, Pick up a book on Biology or Business… why doing it? because Creativity is the combination of ideas from across disciplines and thoughts patterns and then from you have something unique.

Look around what has been done: Uber, Facebook, Instagram, snap chat, Twitter, Whats up, YouTube, Domino's, MacDonald, etc… these companies are combining ideas and create services for the consumers; there is a lot of talents and knowledge involve. Uber is an app which was developed by a software engineer and car owners around the world can benefit from the technology; business industries are combining and collaborating to reach the market. the world is moving really fast; there is so much information that we are consuming day by day; to strengthen and stimulate your creativity; you need to have a lock time to think and gather your thoughts; how do i do it? you pick up a journal and write down; we all know that we can’t trust our memories. if you can’t get something that you can create then think about things that you can’t do there is so many things that you don’t know how to do; put them down and try to figure out how to do it your way. You will get stack and you will have days that you don’t know what to do; but if you show up everyday by calling your knowledge from other fields; you will end up creating something unique; of course the challenge will be there; but you have to keep on showing up and that where the beauty of creativity live.

No matter what you are doing; showing up and staying curious will get you on top of your game; if you are in business: mentor ship and spending time with great people, testing your creative ideas is important, if you are a researcher; testing your drugs or experience is the game; of the failure process will visit you; but you have to be grateful for the first creative idea and try again and again….



Thierry N.Rutaremara

Transcend human Perception, Blogger, Entrepreneurship and creativity