The Indonesian piggy bank is a chicken — a “celengan”

10 ways to grow your savings in Indonesia

Thierry Sanders
2 min readMar 1, 2017

I kicked off 2017 with a wonderful New Year’s holiday. It was a great way to start the year, except for the fact that my money seemed to fly out of the window so fast. Understandably, I was relieved when my January pay came through and I could actually start to think again about some serious matters, like SAVING…

You’d think that saving comes easy for me, a bule from Belanda working as an expatriate here in Indonesia. Growing up in the Netherlands, I was always taught the importance of putting aside some of my money into a bank savings account. That is probably why the Dutch are the world champion in savings and pensions per person. So, saving money should come naturally for me.

The thing is, I used to spend most of my money on travelling. But then I had kids, and it dawned on me that I had to start putting something aside for them and, well, a bit for me too. I’ve hit 50 years old now and if I want to travel again when I retire — embracing my second youth, then I need to start saving my money soon. I started by setting aside 10% of my take home pay every month. This has allowed me to build up a small buffer for unexpected costs in the future, for my kids or for my Hippy travelling days when I retire.

But from time to time, I think about the way I save my money and how I want to see it grow. So the key question is, where do you put your money away safely? More importantly though, how can you grow it?

Good news. I’ve done the research for you. Here are my tips on where to save and grow your money in Indonesia.

This table below sums it up for you. At the bottom of this article you can go directly to the conclusion.

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